Healthy Living

Top 10 Foods That Boost The Immune System

Author , posted on May 13, 2021

Category: Healthy Living

Eating healthy, antioxidant-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein will help you maintain a good immune system health to help get rid of infection and illness. On the other hand, taking more of diet high in empty calories will not only lead to weight gain, but it can leave you more prone to infections. If you are looking for how to boost your immune system, the following are 10 foods that have been proven to be immune system friendly:

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Top 9 Benefits of Meditation

Author , posted on May 3, 2021

Category: Healthy Living

All over the world, the practice of meditation is greatly recognized because of its proven benefits. In addition to being used to increase awareness of yourself and your surroundings, it is also an effective way to reduce stress and develop concentration. Meditation has a whole lot of benefits; it can also be used to develop other beneficial habits and feelings— such as a positive mood and outlook, self-discipline, healthy sleep patterns and the ability to cope with the stress of daily life. Practicing meditation for even a short time in a day can have significant positive effects on your health and general well-being. The following are some top benefits of meditation you should know:

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How to Create a GERD Diet Plan

Author , posted on March 30, 2021

Category: Healthy Living

gerd diet plan

One particular study estimated that 18 to 28% of the North American population suffer from GERD.

While it is common to experience gastroesophageal reflux every once in a while, it can be very uncomfortable and painful to experience severe and frequent gastroesophageal issues. Not only is this condition quite unpleasant, it can also lead to complications down the line.

Are you living with GERD and trying to manage the symptoms as best you can?

Creating a GERD diet plan can help you manage and live with GERD. Let's take a look at what you need to know about how to create a meal plan that works for you.

What Is GERD?

GERD stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease. This condition happens when your stomach acid flows back into your esophagus frequently. Your esophagus is the tube that connects your stomach in your mouth.

The backlash of stomach acid into your esophagus is known as acid reflux and can be irritable to your esophageal lining.

It is common to occasionally experience acid reflux. When an individual has mild acid reflux at least twice a week or moderate to severe acid reflux at least once a week, this is considered GERD.

Luckily, GERD can often be managed with lifestyle changes and sometimes use of over-the-counter medicines.

What Are the Symptoms of GERD?

There are a number of common symptoms of GERD. Some of these include:

  • Chest pain
  • Heartburn after eating
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • The feeling of having a lump in your throat
  • Regurgitating sour liquid or food

Some people might experience nighttime acid reflux. The symptoms of this include:

  • Laryngitis
  • Disrupted sleep
  • Chronic cough
  • New or increasingly worse asthma

If you are experiencing chest pain, it is important that you seek immediate medical care. This is particularly true if you are also experiencing jaw or arm pain or shortness of breath. These are potential signs of a heart attack and require immediate medical attention.

Your Nutrition and Calorie Goals

Before creating a GERD diet plan, you want to get a sense of what your nutrition and calorie goals are. For the general population, it is said that individuals should be 2000 calories a day. How many calories you should be eating each day depend on a number of factors they might vary from this general population estimate.

Some of the factors that will have an impact on how many calories you should eat every day include:

  • Biological sex
  • Age
  • Weight
  • Height
  • Activity level
  • Body composition
  • Medical condition

While managing GERD does not require that you intake a certain number of calories every day, having a sense of your color goals can help you to create a meal plan that works for you.

How to Treat GERD with Diet Changes: Avoiding Trigger Foods

One of the ways for people to effectively manage GERD is to determine what their trigger foods are. Different foods will trigger acid reflux in different individuals. This means you can take a bit of trial and error to understand which foods are triggering your GERD.

There are a number of foods that are considered possible trigger foods for GERD. They include:

  • Foods high in fat: since fat slows down the speed at which your stomach empties, it can put pressure on the esophageal sphincter
  • Tomatoes and citrus juices/fruits: these foods contain a high acid content which can worsen the symptoms of GERD for some people
  • Onion, garlic, and spicy foods: while the giant an issue for everyone with GERD, they can be trigger foods for some people
  • Chocolate and mint: Acid reflux can be triggered by these foods because they can loosen the lower esophageal sphincter
  • Coffee: some people with GERD may find that a lower acidity coffee works better for them than a higher acidity coffee
  • Alcohol: this can be a contributing factor to GERD for some individuals, though it will affect each person differently
  • Carbonated beverages: drinking sodas and other carbonated drinks can place extra strain on your lower esophageal sphincter because they cause the stomach to blow to understand

You want to pay attention, also, to how different foods interact with one another. You might find that it is okay to drink coffee alone but not at the same time as chocolate, for example. It can be a good idea to keep a food journal to help you understand which foods are triggering your GERD and which for combination and giving you issues.

Which Foods Are Safe For GERD?

While you might feel limited by the list of trigger foods listed above, it's important to understand that each person will react differently. You might not have any issues eating spicy foods but your GERD might be consistently triggered by fried foods. You will have to experiment and pay close attention to determine which foods are giving you trouble.

That being said, there are certain foods that tend to be safe and less likely to trigger GERD. These foods include:

  • Brown rice
  • Fresh vegetables including broccoli, salad green, and radishes
  • Lean meats
  • Oatmeal, quinoa, cereal, pasta, and bread
  • Turkey and chicken breast
  • Fish
  • Egg whites
  • Lentils
  • Boiled or baked potatoes
  • Apples, bananas, watermelon, and pineapple
  • Graham crackers and saltines

Making fresh produce one of the main aspects of your diet, excluding tomatoes, garlic, and onions, can help you to minimize your acid reflux symptoms. Staying away from ascetic, spicy, and fatty foods until you understand your specific trigger foods can help you.

There are a lot of ways to add flavor to your meals without incorporating trigger foods. Herbs like cilantro, basil, thyme, rosemary, and oregano likely won't upset your stomach and add quite a bit of flavor.

GERD Diet Plan: Utilizing Meal Planning For Managing GERD

Meal planning and meal prepping can be a good idea for anyone. They can save money, time, and effort each week. For people that are living with GERD, it can be a particularly good idea to meal plan and meal prep so that you always have foods that will not trigger your acid reflux on hand.

Coming up with a meal plan every week before you go to the grocery store will ensure that you get everything that you need. It will also help you to stay on track in terms of eating a diet that does not upset your acid reflux.

Without a meal plan, it can be easy to grab something quick at the store on your way home or pick up takeout. It can also lead you to end up snacking on things that you know will cause you acid reflux. With a plan ahead of time, you can ensure that you are always eating foods that do not cause a flareup in your GERD symptoms.

Meal planning and prepping can also be incredibly helpful if you are trying to lose weight as a part of managing your GERD. This is because when you prepare your meals ahead of time it can help you to manage your portion sizes.

Having a plan ahead of time can also help you to have less stress around your eating and diet. While researchers are still trying to understand the connection between GERD and anxiety, it does seem that there is a link.

How to Live With GERD: Tips and Tricks

While that is a big part of managing GERD, there are a number of other tips that can help you to live with this condition.

For one thing, you'll want to avoid lying down after eating for 2 to 3 hours. This is because can make it easier for your stomach acid to splash back up toward your esophagus. When you are sitting or standing, your stomach contents are more likely to stay at the bottom of the stomach with the help of gravity.

You'll also want to avoid eating large meals. This is because the more food you have in your stomach, the more likely they are to flashback up towards the esophagus. Instead of eating two or three large meals, you might consider using 4 to 5 small meals throughout the day.

If you are a frequent drinker and smoker, you want to try to avoid drinking and smoking before, during, or after meals that you have found tend to result in acid reflux. The reason that you will want to avoid drinking and smoking at this time is that both of these are known to weaken the lower esophageal sphincter muscle.

Another thing you will want to try is to wait after eating at least two hours before exercising. If you do not find that your heartburn gets worse after exercising, then you might not need to do this. However, if you find that your heartburn tends to flareup after exercise, waiting a few hours between eating and exercising can help.

It can also be helpful to chew a non-mint flavored gum after you eat your meals. This can help to stimulate saliva production and increased peristalsis, both of which will help to move the contents of your stomach towards the small intestine.

If you are overweight, you will want your GERD meal plan to encourage weight loss in a healthy and slow way. When you have extra weight around your midsection, they can increase the pressure on your lower esophageal sphincter and make acid reflux worse.

After you eat a meal, consider making a small glass of water. This can help to wash down stomach acid that has found its way back up into the esophagus.

As far as liquids go, you'll want to drink acid reflux family beverages. These include water, noncitrus juices, decaffeinated tea, mineral water, or low-fat or nonfat milk.

When you're planning on your diet, consider creating a high-fiber diet for yourself. There has been a study recently that found individuals were 20% less likely to have GERD symptoms when they followed a high-fiber diet.

Getting exercise regularly is also a good way to help manage your acid reflux. It can help with your digestion and it can help you lose weight. Take a look at our six signs that it's time for you to change up your workout routine.

You also might want to try some stress-reducing practices like meditation and yoga.

It's always a good idea to ensure that you are getting enough, high-quality sleep. Sleep is one of the most important things when it comes to our overall well-being. For people who experience nighttime acid reflux, it can be difficult to get a good night sleep, but practicing healthy sleep habits can make a big difference.

It seems like a bit of a paradox that having that acid reflux can keep you from getting a good night sleep while at the same time poor sleep quality can increase the chances that you have gut problems.

There are a number of things you can do to practice good sleep habits. These include setting a consistent sleep schedule, getting exercise, creating regular bedtime rituals, limiting caffeine, eating a healthy diet, and keeping your bedroom dark and cool.

Some people find that probiotic foods can help to reduce their symptoms. Probiotic foods include foods such as kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, fermented pickles, kombucha, and kimchi.

Are You Looking For Affordable Online Prescriptions?

While some people might be able to manage their symptoms with a GERD diet plan and lifestyle changes, others might find that medication is necessary.

Are you looking for an affordable way to find popular prescription drugs online? Take a look at how you can order medication online for a fraction of the price.

7 Erectile Dysfunction Facts You Need to Know

Author , posted on March 26, 2021

Category: Healthy Living

erectile dysfunction facts

In the US, over 18 million men experience erectile dysfunction, also known as ED. If it’s something that happens to you from time to time, know that you’re not alone.

ED can be a massive blow to a man’s confidence, in and out of the bedroom. Erectile dysfunction is defined as when a man can’t get or keep an erection that’s firm enough for sexual intercourse.

There are many reasons and causes as to why ED might happen, both physical and psychological. However, if you’re hoping to understand more about ED, you’re sure to be interested in a few erectile dysfunction facts.

To learn more, keep reading to find seven facts about ED that you need to know—plus, what you can do if it’s a problem for you.

1. One of the Key Erectile Dysfunction Facts Is That You Can Treat It

When many men think about erectile dysfunction, they sometimes lose hope. After all, erections have a strong tie to masculinity and identity, so without the ability to get erections, can you really live a normal, healthy life?

Don’t subscribe to this theory! One of the most important facts about ED is that there are more treatment options than ever before.

The treatment will depend on the cause of your ED, but for many men, medications like PDE5 inhibitors are a fantastic treatment. PDE5 stands for Phosphodiesterase 5 and is a class of FDA-approved medications for treating ED in men.

One of the most popular medications for ED is Viagra (Sildenafil), available with a prescription from your doctor. Viagra can improve blood flow to your penis, usually at its peak about an hour after taking the pill.

If Viagra isn’t for you, Cialis (Tadalafil) is another popular alternative. It can be taken about 30 minutes before sex, but it works for up to 36 hours—Viagra is a bit less, at around four hours.

However, medication is not the only treatment for ED. Vacuum pumps, also known as penis pumps, are another popular option. They work by using suction to draw blood in the penis.

For some men with ED, such as those with penile nerve damage from prostate cancer surgery, penile implants can also be a fantastic treatment option. This is a permanent device, placed in your penis by a surgeon, that gives you the ability to give yourself erections manually.

Always talk to your doctor about which treatment option is right for you and know that it may take some trial and error until you find the best medication for your needs. 

2. ED Can Be a Symptom of a More Serious Health Issue

ED can be a nuisance, especially for sexually active men, but another key ED fact is that it can also indicate a more serious problem. For most men, this isn’t the case, but always talk to your doctor if you’re worried about your ED symptoms.

One health issue all men should be aware of, especially as they age, is prostate cancer. The prostate is a small gland found in the male reproductive system and there are a few things that can go wrong with the prostate, including cancer.

Sometimes, ED can be a symptom of prostate cancer. Other common symptoms include frequent urination, a weak urine flow, blood in the urine, or frequently getting up in the night to go to the bathroom.

If caught early, prostate cancer can be successfully treated. This is most commonly with surgery, known as a prostatectomy, or treatments involving radiation.

Another men’s health issue that’s often linked to ED is heart disease. If you have heart problems, such as blocked arteries, this makes it harder for the heart to pump through the body.

What causes erections? You guessed it, blood flow to the penis. So, if your heart isn’t pumping blood at its normal rate, it’s going to make it harder for the body to produce erections.

As you can see, the heart plays an essential role in healthy erections. If your doctor thinks you’re at risk for heart disease, they can advise you on the best steps to improve your overall health.

Other health issues with a connection to ED include high cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Many of these can be treated with a combination of medication and lifestyle changes.

3. Lifestyle Choices Can Impact Your Erectile Dysfunction

ED happens to all men as they age, right? Not exactly—ED is more common in men who make poor lifestyle choices.

If you want to reduce your risk of ED, you’ll want to examine your lifestyle. Are you making healthy choices?

You’ll want to give up smoking, eat a balanced diet, and get regular exercise each week. Getting enough sleep can also help, as fatigue can take its toll on your energy levels in and out of the bedroom.

Have you ever come home after a big night and found you just couldn’t perform in the bedroom? Yes, alcohol consumption is another big cause of ED.

Try to limit the number of drinks you have if ED is a concern. If you’re heading out on a big night, too many cocktails combined with nerves mean that you’re likely to have troubles later on in the night.

If you are drinking, be sure to drink plenty of water as well, to help your body stay hydrated.

While there’s no magic food to cure ED, eating a diet rich in iron, vitamins, and minerals will provide you with the nutritional balance you need to fuel your body, mind, and erections.

Some research suggests that foods like nuts, garlic, spinach, kale, and olive oil can be good for erectile dysfunction health. For further advice on your diet, it can be helpful to speak to a nutritionist.

4. Don’t Confuse Erectile Dysfunction With Low Testosterone

Another important fact to know is that ED and low testosterone are two different things completely. Just because you have ED, doesn’t mean you have low testosterone, and vice versa.

Testosterone is a hormone that helps men with libido, muscle mass, and fat distribution, to name a few things. However, men sometimes experience low testosterone due to accidents, injuries, illness, or chemotherapy.

Low libido is often linked to low testosterone, which can impact your erections. It also can affect your bone mass, weight, moods, and muscle mass.

In contrast, erectile dysfunction has a wide range of causes. It can be physical, psychological, or a side effect from various cancer treatments.

When it comes to men’s health, all men should try to understand the differences between the two. If you’re worried that low testosterone might be a problem for you, your doctor can diagnose this via a simple blood test.

5. Stress Is No Friend to Erectile Dysfunction

Some men might not realize that ED isn’t always physical—it can often be caused by mental, or psychological causes. Unfortunately, we live busy, hectic lives, and are often plagued by stress from time to time.

Stress and anxiety are major factors when it comes to temporarily experiencing ED. Are you feeling under the pump at work, worried about a loved one, or having financial problems?

If so, your mind is preoccupied with more serious issues and you may find it hard to relax and enjoy normal erections.

Of course, another major cause of stress are relationships. If you’re having problems with your partner or working through issues, you may be experiencing ED.

In that case, it might be helpful to have an honest, thoughtful conversation with your partner. This can help you deal with relationship or sexual issues that might be holding you back.

Sometimes, couples find that a relationship therapist can be a big help too.

If you find that stress is causing you problems in life, there are lots of ways to try to manage it. Try to spend time each day relaxing, exercising, or enjoying a hobby that helps you feel calm and content.

Practicing mindfulness, thinking optimistically, and spending quality time with loved ones can also help you lower your stress. Try to also get plenty of sleep and deal with problems or issues as they arise, instead of letting them build up and fester in your mind.

6. You Can Have a Rewarding Sex Life, Even Without Erections

Looking for another interesting fact about ED and sex? Even with ED, there are still plenty of ways to have an enjoyable sex life.

A little-known fact is that erections aren’t required for men to have orgasms. With the right stimulations and touch, you can still enjoy orgasms, just as you always have.

This is great news for those who may not have found success with traditional ED medications, such as those with permanent ED caused by cancer treatments. Note that your ED medications don’t need to break the bank—look for online discounts when ordering your prescriptions.

You may find that your sex life is different when you’re experiencing ED, but your sex life doesn’t need to end! There is so much more to sexuality than just penetration.

You and your partner can experiment with toys, sensual touch, kissing and caressing, and pleasing each other in new ways. There are plenty of sexual health resources out there that can help you and your partner work around erectile dysfunction.

A sexual therapist can help as well, so explore all of your options.

7. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help

For many men, erectile dysfunction can be a private, embarrassing matter—not something you’d want to talk about with others. This is a normal reaction, but you don’t need to bury your head in the sand when it comes to your health.

One last fact about ED is that help is available, so don’t be afraid to reach out! There is nothing to be ashamed about when it comes to erectile dysfunction, so don’t live your life feeling let down.

There are so many resources out there to help men and their partners, so ask for help. Your first point of call is probably your family doctor.

Your doctor can rule out more serious health concerns and then can walk you through your options. They can also prescribe medications, which work well for many men.

Or, your doctor might be able to give you a referral to a counselor or sex therapist. If the causes of your ED are more psychological, you can get great value from therapy.

Seeking mental health help can assist with coping mechanisms when it comes to stress, anxiety, and relationship problems, all of which can help you cope with ED.

Often, your insurance will cover doctor’s visits, medication, and specialist referrals, so you don’t need to pay expensive fees to manage your erectile dysfunction.

Contact Us for Help With Erectile Dysfunction

If you’re looking for assistance with your ED, you’re not alone. We know that accessing the right treatment options and medications can be tough, especially on a tight budget, so PricePro Pharmacy is here to help.

We are a Canadian-based online pharmacy, fully verified to help American shoppers order their prescription medications for a more affordable price. At PricePro Pharmacy, we believe that healthcare shouldn’t cost the world.

If these erectile dysfunction facts have encouraged you to take action on your own health and try out medications, we can help with discount Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra, to name a few.

Please contact us with any questions about ordering medications online. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you live a happier, healthier life.

The Telltale Signs and Symptoms of High Blood Sugar

Author , posted on March 20, 2021

Category: Healthy Living

high blood sugar

Our body is a wonderfully designed piece of engineering, and the reality is that we are often unaware of the effort it goes to keep us healthy. 

One aspect vital to our well being is the condition of our blood. Whether it be an iron deficiency or high blood pressure, most people are aware that a blood issue affects the whole body. 

Perhaps one of the most common complications related to blood is high blood sugar, known as hyperglycemia. It is most common among people with diabetes; however, as up to 3.7 million Canadians suffer from this condition, its prevalence is clear. 

Getting familiar with the causes and symptoms of high blood sugar becomes more significant as this number rises to 11 million when we consider those suffering from prediabetes (those with high sugar but not yet deemed diabetic) or are yet undiagnosed. 

With this in mind, we have isolated the main symptoms and signs that one needs to look out for to help you keep aware of any potential risks you may face. 

Before doing so, we will show you the causes, dangers, and how you can prevent and manage high blood sugar. 

How the Body Maintains Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

To understand why hyperglycemia should be a major concern for all, it is important to know exactly how the body works to maintain a normal sugar level.

Glucose is the fuel that feeds our cells and gives our bodies the energy that we need. While it is stored and can be provided by the body itself via our liver and muscles, the main source that our bodies depend upon is food. 

When we eat food, the carbohydrates that we have eaten are broken down by our digestive tract into glucose.  For our cells to absorb the glucose, we need insulin, which is produced in the pancreas. Once absorbed, the cells can then turn the glucose into energy or store it for later use.

The system is extremely efficient, as the body can regulate just how much insulin is needed, rising when you eat and dropping off when the digestive system has finished its work.   

We don't even notice this happening is a testament to how great this usually works in most people. If someone hasn't eaten, the fasting rate of blood sugar is expected to be approximately 100 mg/dL.  

With this in mind, we can begin to see just how important a role insulin plays in our body function normally. If this doesn't happen as it should, it leads to a build-up of sugar in the blood as it has nowhere else to go. 

What Are the Causes of High Blood Sugar?

When we eat, it is normal that our blood sugar levels would spike as we are introducing an amount of fuel to our bodies. Some foods produce far more glucose than others, namely starchy high-carb foods and food high in sugar.

Due to the magnificent operation we have going on through our body via our pancreas, a sharp rise in insulin is enough for us to use up all the excess sugar and get it where it needs to be. 

The reasons for high blood sugar come down to two main areas. We can't produce enough insulin, leading to it storing in our bloodstream, or our cells have become insulin resistant.  

Type 1 diabetes is when your body cannot produce enough insulin. It affects only 10% of those diagnosed with diabetes in Canada. Although diagnosed mainly while one is young, it can come later in life. 

Type 2 diabetes is when your cells become insulin resistant and account for the vast majority of the cases of diabetes in the world. Although it is extremely common, the reasons it appears are not entirely clear. There are, however, clear links with environmental factors such as living an inactive lifestyle and diet.

As there can be serious consequences if not managed, a person with diabetes needs to be conscious of not only what they eat, but additional factors that can trigger their sugar levels to rise. These typically include things such as:

  • Eating too many carbohydrates and sugars
  • Being ill 
  • Being under stress 
  • Having an infection 
  • Not using your insulin shot or alternative medication (Type 1) 
  • Steroid treatment 
  • Lack of exercise or movement 
  • Too much physical activity if our sugar levels are high and insulin is low

So what exactly are the dangers for one who has high blood sugar?

Why Should You Be Concerned About High Blood Sugar?

Because blood runs throughout our bodies, any condition that affects the blood is serious. Having a high blood sugar level is particularly dangerous due to the range of conditions it is connected to. 

Excess glucose in our blood is connected to heart disease, kidney failure, blindness. It can also lead to major damage to other organs, our nervous system, and even our blood vessels. 

On occasion, hyperglycemia can develop due to serious illnesses such as pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, or an overactive thyroid. It can also develop after taking certain medications such as prednisone, estrogens, and beta-blockers. 

The most common condition that a high blood sugar level is connected to, however, is diabetes, as mentioned earlier. Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes can lead to hyperglycemia, although Type 1 is more associated with having a low blood sugar level (hypoglycemia).

One very serious condition that can develop is called Diabetic Ketoacidosis

If the body cannot access the sugar to provide the energy that it needs, it turns to its emergency energy source, our fat.  However, it produces ketones in the blood that are acidic and, if produced in large amounts, can be toxic. 

The consequences of this can be kidney damage, excess fluid in the lungs, swelling in the brain, and even death. 

The problem often found with high blood sugar is that when we start to notice any complications, our blood sugar is often already too high. Therefore it is important to be able to note the small signs that we may have it, to nip it in the bud. 

To help you keep on top of this, we will now isolate the main signs of high blood sugar. 


Without a doubt, dealing with fatigue is the most common signal that they may have high blood sugar. For most people, after having a carb-loaded meal, our body calls for the sofa, but if you have high blood sugar, it is particularly noticeable. This is because without our insulin working correctly, our cells cannot receive the energy necessary to give us a boost. 

Tiredness alone, however, can't be relied upon as a signal of hyperglycemia as it is connected to many other conditions, included among them, having a low blood sugar level. 

Therefore it is always best to note this symptom along with the others that we will mention before speaking to your doctor. 

Frequent Urination and Increased Thirst

As highlighted earlier, our bodies are highly efficient and try to fight off any potential problems that they may encounter. Therefore one way of seeking to dispose of the excess glucose in our bodies is by making you go to the toilet more.

Our kidneys are the culprits, going into overdrive in a condition called polyuria.

As a consequence, we become dehydrated, leading to another symptom, wanting to drink more water. So pay attention to if you are more thirsty than usual. 


Having regular splitting headaches is another sign that you have high blood sugar. It is again linked to dehydration, yet this symptom is an early sign and can get more severe as time goes on. 

As it is an early sign, it would be good to check your sugar levels should you suspect it to be a reason for the headache. Doing so will enable you to quickly make any necessary changes to bring your levels down.

Weight Loss 

People with hyperglycemia can also be susceptible to developing a condition called polyphagia, where you begin to lose weight. This makes sense, as when your body cannot access the energy needed from glucose, it turns to the fat that we already have. 

As a consequence, we may, although having an increase in appetite, be losing weight in an unexplained fashion. As a final resort, your body also turns to the energy stores found in your muscles resulting in you feeling weaker overall. 

Blurred Eyesight 

High blood sugar surprisingly affects our eyesight. The sugars produce additional water in our eyes, and this can lead to you having swollen lenses, disturbing your vision. 

This, fortunately, tends to be a temporary symptom; however, if prolonged, it could be a sign of something more serious. Be sure to see a doctor if this is the case for you. 

Recurring Infections

Hyperglycemia harms our immune system. This means that we may struggle to fight off infections that we would have no problem with otherwise. As well as becoming more regular, we may also struggle to shake them off, needing to take treatment for longer periods than usual. 

Among women, yeast infections, in particular, are more frequent. This is because as the sugars are release due to increased urination, this brings it into contact with yeast. Unfortunately, yeast survives and lives off sugar, hence the increase in yeast infections. 

Teeth Problems 

Teeth problems are another symptom of high sugar levels. Why is this the case?

The reason is that the excess sugar also lies in our saliva and feeds any bacteria living there. One of the first signals of this is bleeding tender gums. However, another sign may be the development of plaque due to the combining of the existing glucose and the food you eat. 

Therefore pay close attention while you are brushing your teeth for any potential infections.

Slow Healing Sores 

Blood circulation can be slowed down when one has diabetes, causing problems in wounds and sores healing. This is because our blood is a vital aspect of the healing process.  

Most sufferers note problems, particularly in their legs and feet, and need to be vigilant when it comes to infection of any sores. In the worst-case scenario, it can lead to the amputation of the feet or a lower leg. 

Managing High Blood Sugar

Although it is important to have knowledge of these symptoms, the best way to be sure of your blood sugar level is to have it checked by a doctor or checking it yourself. 

This being said, particularly concerning Type 2 diabetes, much can be done to bring down your blood sugar. Living a healthy lifestyle by monitoring what you eat and doing regular exercise all aid in reducing high blood sugar. 

Drinking water regularly is also proven to help prevent sudden spikes in sugar levels. 

As not all foods have the same effect on everybody, consulting a nutritionist has proved useful for some. Keeping a record of the foods you eat and even carb counting are other options for you to take control of the situation.

The best means for those with Type 1 diabetes is to make sure that they have a good supply of insulin medication and to use it correctly. As the production of ketones is a more common amount Type 1 suffers, make sure you have a urine strip or ketone tester to hand, especially after vigorous exercise.   

High Blood Sugar Can Be Beaten 

As we have seen, high blood sugar can prove to be costly to our health. That is why being familiar with how our body works and the signals it uses to tell us that something is wrong is so important. 

There may be times, however, when the best option is to take medication. Whether it comes to lowering or increasing your blood sugar levels, we at Pricepro have all the medications to help you in your moments of need.    

Check us out today! 

A Complete Guide to Hormonal Imbalance Symptoms in Men

Author , posted on March 18, 2021

Category: Healthy Living

hormonal imbalance symptoms in men

Hormones act as the chemical messengers of the body. These powerful chemicals are produced in the endocrine glands. They travel around your body and tell the organs and tissues what to do. 

Hormones may help to control many of the body’s major processes, including reproduction and metabolism. 

When doctors notice hormonal imbalance symptoms in men, they tend to act quickly, and for good reason. When you have a hormone imbalance, you either have too little or too much of a certain hormone. Even small changes to your hormones can lead to severe effects throughout your entire body. 

Hormones can be compared to something like a cake recipe. If you have too little or too much of any one ingredient then you'll affect the final result. 

Some hormone levels will fluctuate throughout your lifetime. And many changes are simply due to the natural aging process. However, other changes take place when the endocrine glands get the recipe wrong.

Are you a man who is worried that he might have a hormonal imbalance? If you are, then keep on reading and we'll walk you through the different hormone imbalance symptoms that you need to know about. 

Hormonal Imbalance Symptoms in Men 

The balance of your hormones is crucial to your overall health. Because of this, there's a wide range of symptoms or signs that could indicate that you have a hormonal imbalance. 

Your symptoms and signs are going to depend on which glands or hormones aren't working correctly. 

In male development, testosterone is a hormone that plays a key part. If your body isn't producing enough testosterone, it can lead to a variety of symptoms. 

Let's look at some of those symptoms below. 

1. Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is when men experience breast enlargement with increased breast gland tissue. This condition can happen to one or both breaths. 

A man who has gynecomastia might experience breast tenderness, breast discharge, or swollen breasts. This condition is usually due to a decrease in testosterone and an increase in the hormone estrogen

This condition often occurs during andropause. Andropause is a phase in a man's life that's similar to a woman's menopause. During this phase, the production of male sex hormones, such as testosterone, starts to decline.

This usually happens during middle age. Hormonal imbalances that occur during andropause can lead to insomnia, hair loss, and gynecomastia.

Men who experience gynecomastia due to a hormone imbalance will need to undergo treatment in order to correct the issue. Medications, such as raloxifene and tamoxifen, affect hormone levels and can be very effective. 

Surgery can also be utilized to get rid of excess glandular tissue and breast fat. 

2. Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to maintain or achieve an erection that's firm enough to have sexual intercourse. It's not uncommon to experience ED every once in a while. 

Many men will experience ED during times of intense stress. However, frequent ED can be a sign of a hormonal imbalance that needs to be treated. 

ED can take place due to problems at any stage of the erection process. Increased blood flow to the penis is what leads to an erection. And that blood flow can either be stimulated by direct contact with the penis or by thinking sexual thoughts. 

When a man becomes sexually excited, the muscles in his penis relax. This will lead to increased blood flow and make the penis become stiff. 

Low testosterone levels are a common cause of erectile dysfunction. 

Your doctor might prescribe a medication to you in order to help you manage your ED symptoms. You might need to try several symptoms before you find the one that works for you. 

There are several popular oral medications that stimulate blood flow to the penis. These include vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn), tadalafil (Cialis), sildenafil (Viagra), and avanafil (Stendra). 

If you have especially low testosterone levels, then you may want to try Testosterone therapy (TRT).

You can also try to boost the amount of testosterone in your body by performing aerobic exercise. Researchers have noticed that testosterone levels are negatively correlated with levels of abdominal fat and body fat. This means that you can increase your testosterone by exercising and reducing fat. 

3. Thinning Hair

Minor to moderate hair loss can be referred to as thinning hair. Unlike widespread hair loss, thinning hair doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to go bald. However, it will give the appearance of thinner spots of hair on the head. 

Thinning hair can be caused by low testosterone levels or by uncontrolled stress.

Stress is associated with an increase in hormones like cortisol. Too many stress hormones in the body can kill off new hairs that are attempting to grow from the hair follicles.  

Healthy hair relies on your overall good health. If you're low in nutrients, then you may want to take a multivitamin. You need plenty of zinc, folic acid, and iron in order to grow strong and thick hair. 

You also might want to up your intake of Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These are also known as essential fatty acids. That's because they can't be made by the human body.

Omega-6 fatty acids are important for overall skin health and can be beneficial for the scalp. Omega-3 can help your body fight inflammation, which is a cause of various health conditions.

Premature hair loss might also be related to inflammation. 

It may also be helpful to take corticosteroids. These are prescription medications that are used to treat conditions related to inflammation. 

4. Depression

Depression can be classified as a mood disorder. It might be described as feelings of anger, loss, or sadness that interfere with your everyday tasks. 

Depression can influence your relationships and productivity. 

Nine percent of men suffer from daily feelings of depression. Men are also four times more likely than women to commit suicide. Depression is a serious issue and should be treated promptly. 

Men who have depression may experience symptoms related to their physical well-being. This includes digestive problems, headaches, pains, and fatigue. 

They might also suffer from insomnia, an inability to concentrate, and feelings of restlessness and hopelessness. Reduced sexual desire and a lack of sexual performance are also related to depression. 

Antidepressants and talk therapy are common treatments for depression in men.  

5. Infertility 

A man who is infertile means that he's not able to impregnate a woman. According to the Office on Women’s Health, about one-third of infertility cases can be attributed to men's issues. Another third can be attributed to female infertility. 

Infertility in men is usually related to one of the following issues:

  • shape of the sperm
  • sperm count, or the number of sperm
  • effective production of sperm
  • movement of the sperm

Hormonal imbalances, such as low testosterone production, are common causes of infertility in men. 

A man who is infertile will likely experience changes in sexual desire. Changes in virility are often governed by hormones. And this symptom could indicate a problem with fertility. 

You might also experience problems with maintaining an erection or even an inability to ejaculate. 

Male infertility can be treated in several ways, depending on the cause. There are medications that can be used to treat issues like hormone imbalances. They can also be used to treat other problems that can affect infertility in men, such as infections that affect sperm count or erectile dysfunction. 

6. Buffalo Hump 

A buffalo hump is a hump behind the shoulder. It can develop when fat gathers together behind the neck. This condition isn't always serious.

Cysts, tumors, and other abnormal growths can also form on the shoulders, which create a hump. Other times, a curvature of the spine can lead to a buffalo hump. 

If you notice any physical changes to the back of your neck, you should consult with your doctor. 

A hump behind the shoulders can be caused by a medication or by a medical condition. It might form due to:

  • long-term steroid use
  • osteoporosis (a condition that leads to thin bones)
  • Cushing’s syndrome (a rare condition where the body has too much of the hormone cortisol)
  • a side effect of a prescription medication (such as those used to treat obesity)

Osteoporosis is also known as brittle bone disease. It leads to extremely thin bones. Older men going through andropause are at the greatest risk for this condition. 

This is because their bodies have a reduced ability to absorb calcium. This condition can also lead to bone deformities and curvature of the spine. 

A buffalo hump can also be a sign of Cushing's disease. This is a disorder that causes changes in sex drive, chronic pain, acne, and obesity above the waist.

Cushing's disease causes fat to collect behind the neck.  

It's best to treat buffalo humps by addressing the underlying conditions that lead to them. If the cause itself isn't treated, then the hump might return. 

If the buffalo hump is a side effect caused by a prescription medication then you should talk to your doctor about switching treatments or changing your dosage. 

7. Unexplained Weight Loss 

Unexplained weight loss is when you lose a lot of weight without trying to. This likely signifies an underlying condition.

If you lose more than five percent of your weight within six to twelve months then you should see a doctor. 

Unexplained weight loss can be caused by an overactive thyroid, or hyperthyroidism. This condition develops when the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormones these hormones control a variety of functions in the body, including metabolism.

If you have an overactive thyroid then you'll quickly burn calories, even if you eat a lot. This can lead to unintentional weight loss. Other symptoms of an overactive thyroid include:

  • hand tremors
  • sleep troubles
  • heat intolerance
  • fatigue
  • anxiety
  • fast or irregular heart rate

Hyperthyroidism can be caused by:

  • taking too much thyroid medicine
  • eating too much iodine
  • thyroiditis
  • Graves’ disease

Treatment for an overactive thyroid will depend on the severity of your condition and your age. Usually, this condition is treated with anti-thyroid medications, surgery, beta-blockers, or radioactive iodine.

Unexplained weight loss can also be caused by rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This is an autoimmune disease that makes your immune system attack the lining of the joints, which leads to inflammation. Chronic inflammation can speed up metabolism and reduce your overall weight. 

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include joint pain and swelling. It usually affects the same joints on both sides of the body. If you have rheumatoid arthritis then your joints will likely feel stiff if you don't move for an hour or longer. 

While the exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis isn't known, it's likely linked to:

  • hormonal changes
  • genes
  • age
  • obesity
  • smoking
  • secondhand smoking

Treatment for rheumatoid arthritis usually starts with medication. Medications include Janus-associated kinase inhibitors, biologics, corticosteroids, and disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs.

The Importance of Knowing About Hormonal Imbalance Symptoms in Men

Hopefully, after reading the above article, you now have a much better understanding of what the hormonal imbalance symptoms in men are. As we can see, these symptoms can indicate serious problems, so it's important that you speak with your doctor if you fear that you might have a hormonal imbalance. 

Thankfully, many of these conditions are treatable with prescription medications. Especially if your doctor notices the conditions early enough. 

Are you looking to purchase affordable prescription medications online? If you are, then make sure to contact us today and see what we can do for you!

The Complex Relationship Between Sleep and Stress

Author , posted on March 16, 2021

Category: Healthy Living

sleep and stress

The relationship between sleep and stress may not be an obvious one at first. But the impact of stress on sleep is measurable and worrisome.

If you've ever doubted the importance of sleep or the impact stress has on your body and mind, then this article may help change your mind. 

What Is Stress?

Stress can be challenging to define. Generally, it's an unpleasant emotion resulting in a sensation of tension or looming trouble. Feelings of stress are triggered by events, people, sounds, or items called stressors.

Anything can become a stressor. Most stressors are linked to traumatic experiences that occurred long ago. For example, police sirens may be a stressor for a retired police officer who associates the sound with violence, death, and despair.

When you encounter a stressor, your body initiates a series of reactions called the human stress response. This unique reaction is also called the "fight-or-flight" response. 

Fight or Flight

The human stress response was once crucial to the survival of our species. Occasionally, it still is. The response consists of a complex series of biological reactions and changes, some of which can be quite beneficial.

When our ancient ancestors encountered a perilous threat (such as a hungry predator), their bodies released a rush of adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine to help them either face a threat (fight) or run away from it (flight). 

Contemporary stressors trigger the same reaction in modern humans. Adrenaline causes the heart to race, palms to sweat, and breath to quicken. Cortisol helps regulate blood sugar levels to produce a burst of helpful energy.

Finally, norepinephrine acts to help a person focus and move. It can aid in awareness while also drawing blood away from the skin and toward the muscles, ensuring either a speedy escape or impactful fight. 

After this fight-or-flight response is triggered, it can take several days for the body to fully rid itself of the above hormones and return to a normal peaceful state. In the past, this process helped early humans survive insurmountable odds and threats.

Is Stress Beneficial?

If modern humans didn't experience the stress response, we might not continue to survive as successfully as we have up until this point. Our stress response is still useful in avoiding life-ending accidents or threats, and stressors can be helpful.

Still, many contemporary stressors aren't as straightforward as hungry predators or cataclysmic natural disasters. Annoying co-workers, frustrating bouts of commuter traffic, insolent children, and emotionally distant partners are modern-day stressors.

Unfortunately, these stress sources aren't things that you can run away from or destroy with your fists. They're complex, and they necessitate complex solutions.

Consequently, many of today's common stressors can generate an unhealthy amount of stress. When an individual's fight-or-flight response is consistently triggered every day, their sleep and overall health can begin to suffer in dramatic ways.

How Does Stress Affect the Body?

Stress can affect the body in a multitude of ways. Understanding the effects of stress can be challenging due to the many varied reactions to stressors. Still, we can attempt to gain a better understanding by studying the fight-or-flight hormones.

These three primary hormones, as mentioned above, are:

  • Adrenaline
  • Cortisol
  • Norepinephrine

Each hormone has a specific set of functions and purposes. Additionally, each one can begin to inflict damage to the body after a long period. These positive and negative effects are diverse, and they can be somewhat complicated.

As such, we'll take this moment to examine each hormone in greater detail. This way, we can understand the physical effects of the stress response.


Adrenaline is a hormone that your body releases during the stress response. Though some of the most notable ones include increasing a person's heart rate and expanding the airway passage in the lungs, adrenaline has several functions.

This hormone instructs the body to redirect circulation toward the brain, aiding in improved cognition. It can also cause the pupils to dilate, allowing individuals to see differences in colors and shades more clearly. 

When a person's stress response is triggered continuously, the body can flood with an adrenaline overabundance. This can cause dizziness, confusion, difficulty breathing, headaches, and nausea. 


Cortisol, like adrenaline, is a hormone produced during the fight-or-flight response. Its primary purpose is to regulate an individual's metabolism during a period of high stress, allowing the body to burn energy from multiple sources.

Cortisol also has an active hand in the immune response, lowering inflammation and suppressing some parts of the immune system. This hormone can also lower a person's sex drive and reduce their appetite.

Left unabated, cortisol production and release may lead to weight gain, immune disorders, a lack of libido, and malnutrition. Over a long time, excess cortisol may also contribute to heart disease and an overall decrease in well-being and health.


If you guessed that norepinephrine was a hormone, then you guessed correctly. This hormone works in tandem with adrenaline to increase a person's heart rate and blood pressure. During a life-or-death situation, this function is beneficial.

However, long-term norepinephrine release can result in high blood pressure, anxiety, an abnormal heart rate, vomiting, and confusion. Consequently, this stress-related hormone is just as dangerous as the other two.

In some cases, it may be necessary to counter these powerful hormones with equally powerful medications. If you're concerned about the cost of prescription sleep medications, you may want to investigate online coupons that could lower costs.

Suffering from long-term stress is something that can negatively impact your overall health. This problem can extend beyond your purely physical self and begin to affect your mental health as well. As such, it's crucial to stay aware of stress levels.

How Does Stress Affect the Mind?

The hormones released during the stress response have measurable physical effects, but they can also affect how the mind works. An individual's mental state is often closely tied to their physical well-being, as the brain is a part of the body.

Natural "feel-good" chemicals and hormones that enable us to feel happiness, joy, and a sense of security can go amiss due to an overstimulated stress response. There are only so many receptors in our brains, and they can become overloaded.

Imagine that your brain and nervous system is a massive highway. Each electrical impulse that flows along this highway is a piece of crucial information. Everything we experience is the result of these impulses.

Internal "traffic jams" can be problematic. Because the stress response is an active and vivid experience, it can lessen other bodily functions and sensations. Over a long period, this shift in priorities can lead to several mental health issues.

Anxiety and depression are two of the most common problems stressed-out individuals face. However, insomnia (sleeplessness) is also a prevalent side effect of prolonged stress.

What Is Sleep?

Take a moment to try defining sleep in your own terms. It might be impossible to do, as many of us don't question what sleep is and why we do it. Just as with eating or breathing, sleeping is considered a natural and an unavoidable fact of life.

For this article, we'll consider sleep a necessary biological function that most animals perform regularly. It occurs when an organism ceases most physical activity and enters a brief stasis.

This stasis is often defined by brainwave activity. For example, when we humans fall asleep, our brainwaves change shape and regularity. For the most part, our brains become slightly less active during sleep.

During sleep, the body's overall temperature may decrease slightly as less energy is expended. Digestion and heart rate may slow down, and the body may enter a state of relaxation that borders on stasis. 

Why Do We Sleep?

The average person will spend about 33% of their entire lives sleeping. But why do we need to sleep? The answer to this question isn't set in stone or entirely certain.

We know that sleep is essential to optimal cognitive functioning, including forming, storing, and recalling memories. We also know that those with poor sleeping habits tend to suffer from a wide range of unpleasant conditions.

A consistent lack of sleep may lead to obesity, heart disease, an impaired immune system, depression, and difficulty concentrating. As such, sleep seems to be imperative to proper overall biological functioning. Without it, we'd die.

How Does Stress Affect Sleep?

Now that you're familiar with how stress can influence both the body and mind, you likely have a good idea of how stress affects sleep. After all, a rush of heart-pounding adrenaline isn't the most relaxing bedtime agent.

If you're bringing stress into the bedroom, you may not get much sleep. When stress levels are high, so are hormone levels. This may result in a feeling of restlessness, high energy, and ceaseless worrying. 

When you spend the first hour in bed staring at the ceiling and rehashing the day's events, you're fueling those coal fires of stress. By the second hour, you might feel frustrated enough to get back up and watch another round of Netflix dramas.

By the third hour of your "sleep," you might finally feel angry and upset with yourself for once again staying up way past your bedtime. These feelings could mutate into deep sensations of despair and depression, which finally drag you into bed.

Upon awaking, you may still feel a little bummed, and the lack of solid sleep could make you feel groggy. These factors combined could result in a stressful start to the day. Stress could make sleeping nearly impossible, and it's a vicious cycle.

Preventing Stress-Induced Insomnia

Avoiding stress can be a practically impossible feat. Stressors exist all around us, and the only way to prevent stress from taking over your life is to change the way you perceive and handle stress.

Changing your relationship with stress isn't a simple process. You'll need to commit to it and be willing to practice stress-relieving activities every day.

If you're unwilling to put in the effort to regain some stress-free peace of mind, the following solutions may not work for you. Many of us are living stressed-out lives full of repetitious stressors.

If you're not able to identify these stressors, you might not be able to change your relationship with them. Fortunately, lifestyle changes aren't the only potential options in terms of preventing stress-induced sleeplessness.

Some of the most popular solutions to this type of insomnia include:

  • Pre-Bedtime Yoga and Meditation
  • Pre-Bedtime Medication
  • Weekly Therapy or Counseling Sessions
  • Less Caffeine Consumption
  • Daily Journaling

The ideal solution for your stress-induced sleeplessness will vary. If you're already eating nutritious meals, avoiding caffeine in the evenings, and exercising regularly, therapy sessions may help you reduce overall stress levels further.

Certain prescription or over-the-counter medications may also help you ease into sleep more easily. Melatonin is a popular option, though you may also want to order prescription medications online that aid in sleepfulness. 

Meditation may also help you de-stress after work, helping you enjoy higher quality slumber each night. If you're not feeling particularly stressed but still struggling to fall asleep, you may want to take a long, hard look at your mattress

Understanding the Relationship Between Sleep and Stress

Stress is an emotion, and often an unpleasant one. Individuals can experience stress after encountering a stressor, which can be nearly anything. Sleep is a necessary function that nearly all living things must do to survive.

A lack of sleep can be exceptionally harmful, especially over a long-term period. Preventing stress-induced sleeping problems may be as simple as changing your lifestyle habits. Ordering refills for medications may also help you experience relief.

If you enjoyed this article about sleep and stress, then be sure to check out related articles on our blog today!

The Physical and Mental Consequences of Chronic Stress

Author , posted on March 12, 2021

Category: Healthy Living

chronic stress

Did you know that around 33% of people say that they suffer from extreme stress? 77% of these people say that their stress affects their physical health, and 73% of these people report that stress has an impact on their mental health. 


Stress can have an incredibly negative effect on people, and not just the people that suffer from it but the people around them as well. 

Chronic stress can take a toll on your mental and physical wellbeing. Let's dive into what these consequences are and how to deal with them. 

What Is Chronic Stress?

So you do you differentiate between everyday, normal stress and that which is termed, 'chronic stress'?

Everyday, normal stress is usually referred to as acute stress. Acute stress are the short-term stresses that we feel, for example, being stuck in traffic, a deadline looming at work, or a fight with our partner. 

Chronic stress stems from acute stress, but the difference is that these things happen daily, over and over again and thus, acute stress turns into chronic stress. 

For example, if you're in a toxic relationship, and the fights with your significant other happen on the daily, the stress of the fights then turns into a long-term thing that you suffer from. 

Generally speaking, we are hardwired to be able to deal with acute stress and can bounce back from these short-term stresses pretty quickly. However, we're not made to suffer from chronic stress in the long run, and this is why our bodies and minds start to feel other effects. 

What Are The Signs Of Chronic Stress?

As we now know, chronic stress can affect our entire body and our minds as well, over a longer period of time. 

So what are the symptoms you should be looking for? 

  • irritability and mood swings 
  • fatigue and difficulty sleeping 
  • regular headaches and migraines
  • inability to or difficulty concentrating 
  • rapid thoughts or disorganized thought patterns 
  • changes in appetite and digestive issues 
  • the feeling of loss of control and helpless
  • lower self-esteem and low confidence levels 
  • loss of sex drive
  • nervousness and anxiety 
  • falling ill frequently 

If you're manifesting one or more of these symptoms, combined with stressful situations that arise regularly, then you're most likely suffering from chronic stress. 

But, what effects can chronic stress have on you, your body, and your mind? 

Consequences Of Chronic Stress

It goes without saying that if you're feeling constantly under pressure and you find that you can't handle your stress, eventually, you'll see consequences. These can be summed up as follows:

  • Mental health problems
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Obesity and other eating disorders
  • Menstrual problems
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Skin and hair problems
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Sleeping problems 
  • Muscle issues

That's a long list, right? 

It's not likely that chronic stress will allow all of these problems to manifest at the same time, but you may find that over time, the consequences that you suffer from can change from one to another. 

Each of these consequences has subcategories of its own, and the ailments you may suffer from within each one, let's have a look at these. 

Mental Health Problems 

The mental health problems that can stem from chronic stress can be depression, anxiety, and even personality disorders. These can come in the form of violent mood swings or extreme mood swings where you go from painfully happy to an extreme low in a manner of minutes. 

Depression and anxiety may also be prevalent in your daily life, the need to not do anything, or not feeling up to it. Or simply feeling overwhelmed with tasks that wouldn't previously have bothered you. 

Cardiovascular Disease 

The cardiovascular effects of chronic stress are serious ones. The consequences can be anything from heart disease to abnormal heart rhythms, to high blood pressure problems, heart attacks, and even strokes. 

Monitoring the condition of these is vital to the overall wellbeing of your cardiovascular system, and how well it is coping with your chronic stress. 

Obesity And Eating Problems 

Chronic stress can cause issues with eating and appetite. You may find that your eating habits change over time and you begin to take on an unhealthier diet. This in turn means that your weight may fluctuate, and your clothes start to not fit you. 

But the chronic stress spectrum can go either way, either you can pick up weight considerably and find that you're much larger than you used to be. Or, your appetite isn't there, and you begin to drop weight and find that your BMI drops to too low a level. 

Menstrual Problems 

For women, chronic stress can really mess with their reproductive system and this means that their monthly cycle will change. You may find that your period starts to arrive later, or sometimes, not at all. 

Women should monitor their menstrual cycle in order to pick up on significant changes. 

Sexual Dysfunction 

Unfortunately, sexual dysfunction can affect both men and women who suffer from chronic stress. For men, you may see signs of impotence or premature ejaculation. While for both genders, a clearly identifiable loss in sexual desire and libido may become evident. 

Hair And Skin Problems 

It goes without saying that chronic stress can also affect smaller physical parts of our appearance, such as our hair and skin.

You may begin to suffer from hair loss that can become permanent if not treated soon enough in the process. Alternatively, it may be your skin that is affected by your chronic stress, and you begin to show signs of acne, eczema, or psoriasis

Gastrointestinal Problems 

Our gastrointestinal system is highly important to the overall wellbeing of our bodies. In people with chronic stress, the system is negatively affected and you may find yourself suffering from gastritis, ulcers, irritable colon, or GERD. 

Changes in your digestive system are a surefire sign of chronic stress, if your system is no longer regular, your body will send you red flags. 

Sleeping Issues 

For people who have chronic stress, sleep can become a real problem. It can come in the form of not being able to sleep and suffering from insomnia, or wanting to sleep too often and for too long a period. 

For example, if you're showing signs of depression, then getting out of bed may seem too much for you, so your sleeping pattern is affected as you find yourself staying in bed for much longer periods. 

However, other chronic stress sufferers may find themselves on the other end of the spectrum, where sleep doesn't come easily and they battle to fall asleep, or can't sleep at all. 

Muscle Aches And Issues 

Another physical sign of chronic stress is inexplicable muscle pain. This means that you may find that you're suffering from backache regularly, or that your muscles constantly feel tense. 

The muscle issues can, in turn, also give way to tension headaches and even migraines, so not only is your body feeling tense and slightly painful, but your head starts to pound too. 

How To Relieve Chronic Stress: Lifestyle Changes 

We've gone through everything you need to know about identifying chronic stress, and what it can do to your mind and your body. But how do you deal with it? What can you do to relieve the consequences you may be suffering from?

There are many ways to relieve stress and truth be told, these aren't very different from making the decision to live a healthier lifestyle overall. 

By doing simple things such as eating right, moderate exercise, and the active pursuit of relaxing or calming activities, you can alleviate some of the chronic stress symptoms you may be feeling. 

But don't just jump right into a massive change in all aspects of your life. Making small adjustments, on a regular basis and building up to a lifestyle change will be more effective on your chronic stress levels, as we all know that change can induce stress. 

Having said that though, sometimes simple lifestyle changes are not enough to help you find relief from your stress. Sometimes, it's easier done in groups with a friend or even family members, especially if they're aware of your chronic stress, they will most likely be willing to make changes with you and help to make the process a little easier. Having a social support system can help with managing your stress levels. 

But, even this may not be enough to curb your chronic stress problems entirely. So what else can you do to help relieve chronic stress?

How To Relieve Chronic Stress: Other Avenues 

There are other ways that you can use to relieve your chronic stress suffering and certain symptoms that you may be feeling more so than others. 

These other avenues of stress relief will largely depend on the person, and the type of lifestyle they lead, and the decisions that they make. 

These come in the form of medication. There are generally four different types that you can consider, here they are: 

1. Sedative Medications 

Sedative medications are used to slow down the activity in your central nervous system. They cause a sense of reduced anxiety, relaxation, less tension, and even sleepiness. 

It must be said though that it is possible to overdose on sedative medications, so be sure to chat with your primary healthcare provider in order to understand the dosage you should be taking. 

Xanax and Valium are the most commonly prescribed sedative drugs. 

2. Buproprion (BuSpar)

BuSpar works in another way as opposed to sedative medication, it is used to treat the physical ailments that you may be feeling as a result of chronic stress. 

Things like muscle tension, dizziness, and increased heart rates are treated with BuSpar. Although, this medication is typically prescribed as a short-term solution to chronic stress ailments, and not as a long-term fix. 

However, BuSpar can take anywhere from 1 week to 3 weeks to start to take effect, and with a maximum prescription period of 4 weeks, it can be seen as a disadvantage. 

3. Antidepressant Medications

Antidepressant medication is used primarily to treat depression and other similar conditions. They are known for having anti-anxiety properties as well, and can also be used to treat symptoms of stress. 

One of the most common antidepressants (and that one which we hear in the movies) is Prozac but professionals also prescribe Paxil and Lexapro as alternatives. 

4. Beta-Blockers 

Beta-blockers are used to control blood pressure and treat some heart problems that may occur as a result of chronic stress. 

The beta-blockers themselves are used to decrease stress symptoms that affect the cardiovascular system and can aid in alleviating heart symptoms by widening arteries and helping to slow the actions of the heart. 

Bonus: Nutritional Supplements 

There are numerous nutritional supplements that can aid you in your fight against chronic stress too. Things such as chamomile, motherwort, and skullcap have all been reported to be used as common anxiety and stress remedies. 

Most nutritional supplements are herbal in nature, as in they're not produced in a laboratory, but this doesn't mean that you shouldn't be careful with how much you take. 

You'll want to do some reading on the side effects of taking any herbal remedies or nutritional supplements, as they can affect you negatively, particularly if taken in conjunction with other medications. 

Managing Your Chronic Stress

Managing chronic stress is easier said than done, we know this. You'll need to know that the journey is not an overnight one, and it will seem overwhelming at first. 

Ensure that you make daily changes that steer you towards a more relaxed, healthier lifestyle, and steer you away from situations that cause you to stress more. Don't be afraid to talk to the people in your life about what you're feeling and what you're going through, a support system can mean everything when it comes to dealing with chronic stress. 

If your anxiety symptoms are taking over your life, don't leave without reading this article


17 Effective Muscle Building Tips You Need to Know

Author , posted on February 20, 2021

Category: Healthy Living

muscle building tips

Is working out and growing your muscles a part of your 2021 new year’s resolution?

During the lockdowns, a lot of people gained weight and struggled with #quarantineweightgain. You may be a part of this demographic and are only now feeling the side effects of this weight gain. Your gym routine may have gotten interrupted by the pandemic.

However, the pandemic also led to the trend of working out from home. Many people turned to online fitness YouTubers to get in their daily grind.

No matter what you faced in the past year, it’s a good thing that you’re taking steps to improve yourself now. We’re here to help you learn the fastest way to build muscle through small and big changes. Keep reading to learn our muscle building tips.

1. Muscle Building Tips: Eat More Protein to Build Muscles

Building muscle is not only a workout goal but a lifestyle change, meaning you have to change your diet. Whether you want to lose weight and build muscles or only gain muscles, you need protein. Your body relies on protein to build muscle.

If you do not see any results from resistance training, protein can give you a boost. If you're trying to lose weight, protein can reduce your hunger and cravings. Aim to eat more protein-rich foods or a protein bar when you feel like snacking.

Your body also uses its protein reserves for other functions, like making hormones. Thus, you’ll need to ensure that your body is storing more proteins than it is breaking down. When you create your diet plan, aim for around 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.

2. Consume Your Carbs Post-Workout

Let’s continue with another solid diet tip but on carbohydrates this time. After you hit the gym, make it a habit to eat carbs afterward. Doing this will increase your insulin levels and slow the rate of protein breakdown.

It’s easy to change your eating schedule if you often do your workout in the morning. If you do your workout at other times of the day, try to schedule it close to another mealtime. You can even hit your daily carb limit with a carb-loaded snack if you can’t schedule it like this.

3. Have Some Ice Cream 2 Hours After Your Workout

This is good news for ice cream lovers who also want to build muscle! You can get a bowl of ice cream of any flavor two hours after you work out.

Ice cream triggers a surge of insulin better than other types of foods. Like your post-workout carb meal, it’ll slow down your protein breakdown. You want this happening within your body if you don’t want to lose the lean body mass you’re working on.

4. Get Plenty of Sleep and Rest

Sleep and rest are necessary for building muscle fast because sleep adds muscle. Like your brain and other parts of your body, your muscles recover and repair during rest. You want to get the recommended hours of sleep, which is 7-9 hours for adults.

Getting enough muscle recovery is crucial if you want to build muscle. Otherwise, you may experience overfatigued muscles, muscle injury, or illness. Always treat your muscles well if you want them to grow fast.

5. Eat Something Every Three Hours

Eating at the right time is another vital part of boosting muscle mass. This is a great way to keep your cravings away and trim the fat. Plus, you’ll always have something in your stomach, which will keep you from feeling hungry.

You don’t need to change anything with your usual meal schedule. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner as you often do. All you need to do is to add meals post-workout, pre-bedtime, and two more snacks between those meals.

Always make sure you eat the right foods. Keep to a whole, natural, and protein-focused diet and avoid GMOs. You can learn more about GMO health risks here.

6. Vary Your Daily Workout Routine

If you’re plotting your weekly muscle-building routine, make sure you have variety. Vary the rep count for each day, so you have a heavy day, light day, and medium day. For your heavy day, you’d want to increase the weights you’re lifting and do low reps.

A light day is the opposite, with more reps and lighter weights. The medium day sits in a happy middle between the two. It’s a great way to keep your body adapting and to target all your muscle fibers.

If you don’t have this variation in your workout routine, you can get bored fast. It’s one of the signs you need a new workout routine. If you feel that your routine is getting boring, add challenge and variety.

7. Stick to Compound Exercises

If you’re new to the gym and bodybuilding, you may feel clueless about the exercises you need to do. You may end up copying the bodybuilding routines of pros and long-time gym-goers. This can lead to injury and get you to lift weights or do exercises that are too advanced for you.

Rather than open yourself to the risk of injury, start with compound exercises. Better yet, make them the foundation of your workouts. If you want to do the most work and hit the widest range of muscles, compound exercises are the secret.

Examples of compound exercises include the:

  • Squat
  • Deadlift
  • Bench press
  • Overhead press
  • Chinup
  • Row

These exercises hit a wide range of muscles, which is more time-efficient. Only do isolation exercises when necessary. Some examples are when your triceps aren’t developing as fast or when one side is smaller than the other.

8. For Strength Training, Train Heavy

If you want to learn how to build muscle mass, you need to learn how to train heavy. Lifting heavier weights will fatigue your muscles faster than using light weights. Take a hint from our previous tip and focus on doing heavy compound exercises.

Most people underestimate their strengths and lift weights that are lighter than necessary. When you’re at the gym, try out each barbell or dumbbell for a few reps. It will give you an idea of whether you picked out a weight that is challenging enough for you.

However, note also what we said earlier. Try to fit your heavy days into a schedule. This way, you’re not always working your muscles to the point of fatigue. Later on, we’ll discuss this more on the topic of muscle recovery.

9. Watch Your Rest Times Between Sets

There’s no reason for you to rush your sets. Take the time you need to rest between each set, especially if you’re doing heavy training. The average rest time between heavy sets is 2-3 minutes.

If you’re training light, you can cut that rest time down to 30-90 seconds. This short resting time is the ideal rest period for pure muscle gains. Keep the timer on your fitness watch or phone open and ready to count down the seconds when you finish a set.

10. Give Your Muscles a Few Days of Recovery

If it’s your first time to work out, you can take a few days of rest in between heavy lifting sessions. The ideal recovery time for your muscles after a heavy workout is 48 hours. Thus, as a beginner, it’s okay to schedule your strength twice a week.

Heavy training is a great muscle booster. However, you want to avoid overdoing it. As you become more advanced, you want to increase your strength sessions 3 or 4 times a week.

11. Drink Before and After You Exercise

For this muscle building tip, we’re not talking about water. We’ll discuss the importance of water when working out below. For now, we’re on the topic of post- and pre-workout drinks.

If you go to the gym often or you’ve already done your research, you may have come across these drinks. These pre-workout drinks are shakes that contain carbohydrates and proteins. They affect protein synthesis in the body, which aids the muscle-building process.

The other ingredients in pre-workout drinks include:

  • Amino acids
  • Caffeine
  • Creatine
  • Beta-alanine
  • Vitamins
  • Vasodilators

Post-workout drinks contain more or less the same ingredients.
If you don’t have the means to buy pre and post-workout supplements, you can make them by yourself. There are tons of great recipes for these drinks and shakes online.

12. Add Healthy Fats to Your Diet

Going on a healthy diet doesn’t mean you won’t be consuming fats anymore. Like protein and carbs, your body needs healthy fats to function. However, note that the keyword there is healthy.

Foods that have high-fat content but are healthy include:

  • Avocadoes
  • Cheese
  • Fatty fish (salmon, trout, mackerel, and herring)
  • Nuts
  • Chia seeds
  • Coconut oil and coconuts
  • Full-fat yogurt

These foods have good monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. They work to balance the number of calories you eat from the calories you burn. Add them to your diet to stay healthy.

13. Eat Your Protein in Smaller Sizes

As we mentioned, protein is essential to a healthy muscle-building diet, and it shows if you follow your diet. However, you don’t always need to eat your protein in one big meal. You can also divvy up your protein throughout the day if you want to avoid cravings.

This is helpful for those who are on a calorie deficit. Having a bit of grilled chicken every few hours can keep you away from hunger cravings. It’s also beneficial for muscles to spread your protein throughout the day.

14. Consider Supplements

You can’t always get everything you need from your food. Sometimes, you may not even have access to healthy foods. They may be too expensive for your budget or unavailable in your area.

This is where supplements come in. It’s better to take supplements than to lack essential nutrients and vitamins. Before you buy supplements, check out this guide to buying medication online.

15. Drink Water

Whenever you’re training or working out, you sweat and use up your body’s water reserves. If you don’t rehydrate during the day, your water loss can impair muscle recovery. Drink water to prevent dehydration and to keep you from feeling hungry.

16. Learn the Proper Technique and Form of Your Exercises

If muscle building is your goal, make sure you know the right way to do the exercises. You can’t build your chest muscles if your shoulder muscles are taking over the bench press. Using improper forms can even lead to muscle injury.

Before you try a new exercise with a machine, body weight, or weight, learn the proper form. You can find tons of online videos and tutorials that explain the correct forms. If you want a more hands-on approach, get a trainer to check your form when you’re doing the exercise.

17. Be Patient and Set Realistic Goals Under Doable Timelines

Don't expect to grow muscles after only a day or a week of training. You won’t see any visible results if you're not consistent. Patience and consistency are key to building your ideal body type.

In line with this, you want to make sure that you can reach your goals in the time you set. Fooling yourself with unrealistic goals can only cause frustration and discourage you.

Stay Healthy and Build Your Muscles With These Tips

That ends our list of the 17 effective muscle building tips everyone needs to know. We hope this guide helped you learn something new about living a healthy and fit life. Remember, if you want to get your ideal body, you need to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

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Over 40? 40 Common Health Problems You Should Know

Author , posted on February 14, 2021

Category: Healthy Living

common health problems

Did you know that about 12.9% of Canadians suffer from a chronic illness?

Although only a small percent of the Canadian population suffers from a chronic illness, our health is not the same after we hit a certain age. While many people expect the older population to get sick, you can still expect health problems in your 40s.

Over 40? common health problems are more relatable than you might think.

Read on to learn about these 40 common health problems you should know about. 

Over 40 Common Health Problems

When we are young, we can't wait to grow up and become adults. But once we reach adulthood, most of us wish time would slow down.

As we get older, we start noticing more and more changes in ourselves. It could be physical or internal.

Aging is inevitable. The older we get, the more informed we have to be of common health problems in our age group. It is important to know these common health problems you can experience once you are over 40.

1. Vision Problems

Vision loss is more common over the age of 40. Although you may see from far, you might have trouble reading or seeing smaller details.

This occurs because the macula in our eye grows thinner, causing tiny bumps of protein. This causes you to lose your central vision.

2. Changes in Your Hair

One of the very first signs of aging is having hair changes. As we get older, we start to have more and more grey hair.

Receding hairlines and thinning of hair are very common as well. A shift in ur hormones causes this. This is usually caused by low testosterone in both women and men.

3. Changes in Your Bladder 

As we get older, it is common to experience bladder problems. The nerves that control the bladder stop working as well as before.

Mostly everyone over the age of 40 is affected by this. There are medications you can take and exercises you can do to help. In some cases, Botox can be injected into the blader.

4. Risk of Type 2 Diabetes 

There are three types of Diabetes. Type 1, Type 2, and gestational diabetes. You could get both types of diabetes at any age, except for gestational diabetes. Only pregnant women can be affected.

It is more likely for someone over the age of 40 to get type two diabetes. This type of diabetes is caused by having a bad diet, high cholesterol, not being physically active.

5. Tendonitis 

Tendonitis occurs when a tendon has been overused. This is commonly seen in athletes and people over 40.

You are more at risk of experiencing this if you focused on a specific sport or did the same movement for many years. The symptoms you can experience from having tendonitis is pain, swelling, and grinding joints.

6. High Blood Pressure

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a severe condition. It can cause a stroke, kidney failure, heart failure, and a heart attack.

When taking a systolic reading, if it reads 140 or higher, you have high blood pressure and should talk to your doctor right away.

7. Erectile Disfunction 

Erectile Disfunction is very common for men over the age of 40 to have trouble getting and maintaining an erection. This is typically caused by hypertension or metabolic syndrome and obesity.

This reduces the blood flow to the penis. There is medication you can take, such as Cialis and Viagra.

8. Menopause 

Menopause affects women over the age of 40 and 50. It is a natural process that concludes a women's menstrual cycle.

It's diagnosed after you have gone a whole year without having your menstrual cycle. Some symptoms you are in menopause is missed period, hot flashes, irritability, chills, sleep problems.

9. High Cholesterol

Having high cholesterol increases the chances of having a heart attack and heart problems. This is typically seen in adults, but any age can be affected.

The cause is genetics and bad habits. Not eating healthy plays a big factor. Eating healthy and frequent exercise can help prevent high cholesterol.

10. Slower Metabolism 

Having a fast metabolism helps convert your calories into energy at a fast pace. It helps with weight loss as you are constantly burning calories.

Over 40, common health problems include having a slower metabolism. A slow metabolism doesn't burn calories as fast, causing easy weight gain.

People over 40 have a slower metabolism because of their low muscle mass.

11. Osteoporosis 

Osteoporosis is when you lose bone density and mass. This causes you to fracture and break bones easier.

This disease affects millions of people. As you age, you lose bone density. Around the age of 40, bone loss tends to speed up for both women and men.

12. Sun Spots 

Sunspots are caused by being exposed to UV rays. But it is very common to develop age spots in your 40s.

These are brown shaped spots that can appear anywhere in your body and is typically harmless. 

13. Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is one of the biggest skin concerns seen with age. This is caused by extreme sun exposure.

People over the age of 40 need to check for changes in their skin and new moles. Applying sunscreen whenever exposed to sunlight is one of the best prevention.

14. Back Pain

Increased back pain is common in your 40s. The main cause of this is your age, but a more serious problem can sometimes cause it.

Every day for 40 years, you have been sitting, bending down, walking, jumping, and running. It is very normal for your body to become worn down.

15. Hearing Loss

With age, you start to lose our hearing slowly. For some, this happens at a very slow pace, but it can happen pretty quickly for others. About 38.2 million North Americans suffer from hearing loss.

In your 40s, it is common to start noticing hearing loss. All these years of being exposed to loud sounds are the cause of some kind of hearing loss.

16. Ulcers

Ulcers are common in both men in women around the age of 40. It can cause extreme discomfort and cause loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, and pain. If untreated, it can be very dangerous.

Ulcers can be caused by alcohol, coffee, smoking, aspirin, and ibuprofen.

17.Cardiovascular Disease

You are vulnerable to getting cardiovascular disease if you lived an unhealthy lifestyle in your 20s and 30s.

Having high blood pressure and high cholesterol can put you at risk of getting this disease once you turn 40. Cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death in the United States.

18. Mood Changes

Although most mental illnesses are typically diagnosed when you are young, people over 40 can get depression and anxiety.

The thought of needing to have everything figured out can cause depression and anxiety in adults. Having life regrets can leave you mentally vulnerable.

19.Hot Flashes 

For women, it is common to start to experience hot flashes in your 40s. Premenopausal symptoms can cause this.

This is your body's way of introducing menopause. Yet menopause typically happens in your 50s.

20. Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are tiny minerals that form in your bladder and can be extremely painful. People over 40 are at risk of experiencing kidney stones, especially men.

They are caused by dehydration, poor diet, not urinating frequently. They tend to come out on their own, but in some cases, surgery is needed.

21. Fertility Issues

As you age, the number of eggs women have decreased, making it difficult to get pregnant. Some women can experience infertility five to 10 years before menopause begins.

A way of knowing if your eggs are declining is by keeping track of your menstrual cycle. Infrequent periods is one of the signs.

22. Allergies

You tend to think that food allergies develop when we are young. But actually, adults over the age of 40 can develop allergies that they've never had before.

Seafood and nuts are the most common foods that adults can develop an allergy to.

23. Heart Burn

Anyone can experience heartburn at any age. Sometimes the cause of heartburn can be the types of foods you eat. Heartburn can get worse and more frequent with age.

Your muscles age and become weaker, causing the muscle that controls the esophagus's opening and the stomach to stop working properly.

24. Stroke

Experiencing a stroke can be life-threatening and very scary—the chance of having a stroke increase with age.

Depending on what type of stroke and how fast it is treated, it can cause brain damage. It is important to live a healthy lifestyle to help reduce the chances of having a stroke.

25. Increase in Headaches

With age, frequent headaches can become more frequent due to stress levels and other illnesses. Depending on our lifestyle, some may get more headaches than others.

26. Asthma

We tend to think that asthma is diagnosed early only in life, but that is incorrect. Adult asthma is common, but it can be hard to diagnose.

It can go undiagnosed and untreated for years because it has so many different symptoms it can be hard to diagnose.

27. Lower Sex Drive

As we get older, we have more responsibilities and all types of stress coming in. This can affect our intimate life.

It is very common to have a lower sex drive with age. Finding ways to talk to your partner and learning how to cope with stress can help.

28. Prostate Infections

Around the age of 25, the prostate begins to grow slowly. It is not known why this occurs.

Older men may start to experience symptoms like going to the bathroom more often. It can also increase your chances of getting an infection.

29. Vitamin Deficiency 

As we age, our bodies need more vitamins to stay healthy and prevent diseases. With age, your body loses vitamin.

Vitamin deficiency can make you vulnerable to more diseases like high blood pressure, which you are already susceptible to once you turn 40.

30. Osteoarthritis

Arthritis is a disease that can occur at any age. Arthritis is the inflammation of the joints. Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that causes the cartilage to break down.

The affected areas are hips, knees, thumbs, fingers, and neck. Adults over the age of 40 are more at risk of osteoarthritis.

31. Cancer

Certain things can increase our chances of getting cancer, such as your lifestyle and genetics.

Also, age is a big risk factor. As you get older, the risk of cancer increases.

32. Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is common for women over the age of 40. The risk of ovarian cancer increases with age.

You are also at risk for ovarian cancer if you had your menstrual cycle before 12 or gave birth for the first time after 30.

33. Cataracts 

Cataracts are one of the main reasons for blindness all over the world. It causes your eye to become cloudy. Over the age of 40, chances of getting cataracts increase.

34. Receding Gums

With age, you may start to notice receding gums. It is common to have a decrease in your oral health as you age.

35. Loss of Energy 

With age, it is normal to not have as much energy as before. We have been working and carrying heavy items and walking all of our life.

Our bodies will start to get tired easier, and some may lose a lot of energy. It is important to eat healthily and do regular exercise. That will help with how much energy you will have.

36. Changes in Sense of Humor

Being an adult means having to deal constantly with stress. Stress tends to affect some more than others. It can often lead to depression.

It is common for adults to have changes in their sense of humor if they are depressed or very stressed, or simply because they changed.

37. Carpal Tunnel

Carpal tunnel is very painful and can affect anyone, but it is more commonly seen in adults over 40. Carpal tunnel syndrome is mainly caused by doing a repetitive movement.

38. Cervical Myelopathy

Cervical Myelopathy is a disorder that affects the spinal cord, especially the neck. It is common in people over the age of 40. 

About 5 in every 100 people have this disorder. It can go undetected.

39. Night Sweats

Night sweats are usually a symptom of another illness, typically in adults over 40 or. In other cases, menopause for women. 

40. Stiffness in Bones and Joints

After all the years of putting stress and weight on, our bones will result in joints and bones' stiffness. A constant activity for so many years can cause your bones to be more sensitive.

Have You Experienced These Health Issues?

Over 40? common health problems are more relatable than you might think. After reading about these common conditions, you will be more aware of your health. 

When you're over 40, you can experience ulcers, cancer, vitamin deficiency, prostate infections, etc.

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