Drug Information

3 Amazing Retin-A Results Every Woman Should Know

Author , posted on August 10, 2020

Category: Drug Information

retin a results

Skincare is trending this year, and for good reason. People are starting to protect their skin instead of simply covering it, and the advancements made in modern skincare have been incredible.

One of the most popular products for aging skin is Retin-A. Why is that?

There are so many claims of Retin-A results that it may seem like a miracle product. But how many of them are true?

If you want glowy, vibrant, and youthful skin, you might be interested in the results that many women are getting from Retin-A. Keep reading for some of the benefits that it has to offer and to learn how you should be using it.

What is Retin-A?

If you're unfamiliar with popular skincare, you may not be sure what Retin-A is. In short, it's a synthetic vitamin A.

Otherwise known as tretinoin, Retin-A is a prescription-strength topical skin product. Products like retinol or certain retinoids are less powerful versions of Retin-A that are available over the counter.

Retin-A is often prescribed for skin conditions that would benefit from the quick renewal of skin cells.

It essentially slightly irritates the skin, causing exfoliation and the stimulation required to generate new cells.

Here are a few ways that it can help keep your skin glowy and soft.

1. It Can Prevent and Treat Acne

Acne is irritating and embarrassing, and many people don't leave it behind in their teens. As skin goes through changes during the aging process, acne can phase in and out.

Up to 15 percent of adult women suffer from acne. Retin-A is one possible solution for those who are severely impacted.

Retin-A functions as an exfoliant. Because of the way that it irritates your skin, it flushes out dead skin cells and bacteria.

If you have chronic acne, your doctor may prescribe Retin-A for short-term or long-term use. It helps with the inflammation that results from acne and it helps to get rid of the source.

Cystic acne can be difficult to treat. It spreads all over the skin and has many potential causes that require a trial and error approach to treatment. Retin-A may not completely cure your cystic acne, but because of the effects on cell turnover, it can encourage improvements to your skin.

Retin-A won't treat or prevent all kinds of acne, but it is one step in your skincare routine that can help lessen the appearance and pain from regular or cystic breakouts.

2. It Encourages the Growth of Youthful Skin

While Retin-A has been used for acne for decades, it's now researched more often for its effects on wrinkles and fine lines in aging skin.

The results are promising. While Retin-A is uncomfortable for those with sensitive skin, those who can handle it can see major improvements.

As skin ages, cell turnover slows. Cell turnover is what helps to keep skin vibrant and youthful.

When it slows down, the skin has a harder time staying fresh, plump, and new. We start to see signs of sun damage and dehydration.

Retin-A encourages that cell turnover, thus also encouraging the creation and exposure of new and healthy skin cells. It can take years off of your skin, even if you have a bit of sun damage.

3. It Treats Dark Spots, Scars, and Other Imperfections

Retin-A can be the solution to dark spots and unfortunate scarring on the face.

While we already mentioned that Retin-A is a great potential cure for acne and the associated inflammation, it can also help with the scarring that comes after a bad breakout.

Cystic acne in particular can cause dark and widespread scarring. If scar creams haven't been effective, Retin-A might be. The skin cell turnover that it promotes helps to soften the appearance of scars and reveal new and healthy skin.

Many adult women also have dark spots either from the sun or just their natural skin growth. These spots can be undesirable. Allowing your skin to renew itself more quickly can soften the appearance of these spots.

How to Use Retin-A to Improve Your Skin

If you are prescribed Retin-A by a physician, follow their guidance on how it is to be used.

Retin-A can be irritating to the skin, so it's sometimes necessary to work your way up to a regular dosage. If you're incorporating it into a skincare routine, it's important to make sure that you're not mixing it with anything that can be harmful.

Retin-A doesn't mix well with vitamin C serums, so don't use these products on the same day. True Retin-A also doesn't do well when used alongside another physical or chemical exfoliant. Your skin can end up too irritated from the extra exfoliation.

If you use Retin-A gel or cream on your skin, you should also make sure to use a sunscreen with a high SPF. Retin-A, due to its exfoliation, can make your skin more sensitive to UV light.

While you're trying to heal your skin's damage, you also need to protect your skin from future damage and irritation.

Researched Retin-A Results Are Promising

Retin-A has been providing many people with improved skin. Whether the problems are fine lines and wrinkles from age, or problems with acne and inflammation on the face, Retin-A results have been great across the board.

If you deal with chronic acne, or you want a more powerful addition to your skincare than the over-the-counter retinol or retinoids, Retin-A might be for you. Talking to a doctor is the first step to getting the next "miracle product" for your skincare.

To learn more, or to pick up prescription Retin-A (or other medications) for less, visit our site.

Works Cited

Retin-A Cream (Tretinoin)



Feel Better Soon: How Can Prescription Acid Reflux Medicine Help You?

Author , posted on July 13, 2020

Category: Drug Information

prescription acid reflux medications

Digestive disorders are more common than you think. In the U.S. alone, it affects up to 70 million people.

Some of the most common issues include inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcers, gastroenteritis, and hemorrhoids.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is common as well. In fact, it’s one of the most prevalent GI disorders in the world!

Fortunately, there are prescription acid reflux medications that you can take that’ll help manage your symptoms.

What are they? How do they work? Find out by reading the rest of the post!

What Is GERD?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a disorder in which stomach acid flows back into the esophagus. It can affect people of all ages from infants to older adults.

Generally speaking, there are two types—erosive GERD (tissue damage is present) and non-erosive GERD (no evident tissue damage).

Note: Many people will experience acid reflux every now and then. It’s only classified as GERD if you experience symptoms more than twice a week.

Symptoms of GERD

Acid reflux often causes a burning sensation in the chest area—this is referred to as heartburn. More often than not, it happens after eating.

In some cases, there might be a bitter or sour taste at the back of your mouth. Some people might also experience chest pain or a sensation of a lump in the throat.

Rarely, it can cause difficulty breathing, which can trigger respiratory problems such as asthma.

Risk Factors of GERD

A number of things can increase your risk of GERD. For example, those who are pregnant or obese are at a higher risk of developing acid reflux.

Smoking and drinking can also aggravate the condition. Not only that, but eating certain foods (e.g. fried foods, fatty foods) can increase your risk as well.

What Causes Acid Reflux?

There’s a circular band of muscle at the bottom of your esophagus called the lower esophageal sphincter. When you swallow, it relaxes—this allows food to enter the stomach.

In those with GERD, the sphincter weakens or relaxes abnormally. As a result, stomach acid can re-enter the esophagus. Over time, this back-flow of acidic contents can damage the lining of the throat, causing it to become inflamed.

Complications of GERD

Left untreated, the stomach acid can damage your esophagus. For example, it can cause it to narrow—this can result in difficulty swallowing.

Rarely, it can also lead to a condition called Barrett’s esophagus. Basically, what happens is that the lining of the esophagus changes.

While there are typically no symptoms, it can increase your risk of esophageal cancer.

Treating GERD With Lifestyle Changes

Those with mild GERD may be able to manage their symptoms with lifestyle changes. For example, it helps to maintain a healthy weight—that way, there will be less pressure on the abdomen.

In addition to that, you want to wait 2-3 hours after eating before lying down. If necessary, elevate the head of your bed a few inches.

Prescription Acid Reflux Medications

For some people, however, lifestyle changes won’t be enough—that is, they’ll have to take prescription medications to manage their GERD.

Here are a couple of drugs that are often prescribed for the condition:

H2 Receptor Blockers

H2 blockers are a type of medication that’s used when an individual has excess stomach acid. Aside from GERD, it can also be used to treat peptic ulcers and gastritis.

How do they work? They inhibit specific receptors on the surface of the stomach. In doing so, they block the actions of histamine, a chemical that stimulates the stomach lining to make hydrochloric acid.

As a result, there will be less acid in the stomach. Fairly quick-acting, these medications tend to work within 60 minutes.

Potential Side Effects

H2 receptor blockers are generally well-tolerated. However, some people may experience side effects such as dry mouth, constipation, diarrhea, dry skin, and headaches.

With that said, most cases are mild and tend to subside after a while.

Protein Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)

PPIs are another type of medication that can be used to treat acid reflux. They work by irreversibly blocking an enzyme called H+/K+ ATPase in the stomach wall, which controls acid secretion.

This results in a significant decrease in stomach acid. While they don’t work as fast as H2 blockers for GERD, their effect typically lasts longer.

Potential Side Effects 

PPIs are considered to be safe. As with all drugs, however, they can cause side effects in some individuals such as headache, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, abdominal pain, and nausea.

H2 Blockers vs Protein Pump Inhibitors

While both medications are effective at decreasing stomach acid, PPIs are typically considered to be stronger.

However, H2 blockers are better at reducing acid in the evening; this makes it a better option for those with ulcers (acid released in the evening can contribute to peptic ulcers).

Even with severe GERD, it’s not recommended that you take the two drugs at the same time. In fact, H2 blockers can affect the efficacy of PPIs. In other words, it won’t be as effective.

Treating Acid Reflux

As you can see, there are a couple of medications that you can take for GERD. Why bear with the symptoms when you can do something about it, right?

Looking for some prescription acid reflux medications? We can help—all you have to do is upload a copy of your prescription to our site. Yes, it is possible to get them from Canada!

Works Cited





Can Americans Buy Drugs From Canada?

Top 10 Most Common Prescription Drugs

Author , posted on June 22, 2020

Category: Drug Information, Prescription Related Questions

most common prescription drugs

It's no secret that prescription drugs are big business. 

This year alone, it's estimated that over 4.5 billion prescriptions will be filled in the United States. And amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it's more than likely that the actual totals will greatly exceed these modest projections. 

So it's interesting to learn about the most common prescription drugs. It gives you a snapshot of the most common medications in the country and an overall reading on the nation's health outlook. 

The Top 10 Most Common Prescription Drugs

Here's a ranking of the most commonly prescribed drugs as of January 2020, according to the assiduous compilers at GoodRx. Go ahead and read the list through to the end—some of these common medications won't surprise you, and others just might. 

1. Atorvastatin

Atorvastatin is a type of drug known as HMG CoA reductase inhibitors or statins. Also known by its brand name Lipitor, atorvastatin is used to regulate cholesterol levels in the blood. 

It does this by decreasing the levels of "bad" cholesterol in the bloodstream and boosting the levels of "good" cholesterol. Typically, it's used to reduce the risks of stroke and heart attack in people with type 2 diabetes or other heart conditions. 

Atorvastatin has consistently ranked as one of the most popular prescription drugs in the country. 

2. Levothyroxine

Levothyroxine is a synthetic thyroid hormone. It's also known under the brand names of Levoxyl, Synthroid, Tirosint, Unithroid, and Levo-T. 

The purpose of the drug is to take the place of a naturally occurring thyroid hormone, which regulates energy and metabolism. It's used to treat hypothyroidism, which is the low production of thyroid hormones, as well as to prevent the appearance of goiters. 

Levothyroxine is available in a number of brands, and the generic version is very affordable. 

3. Lisinopril

Lisinopril is an ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitor and is among the most commonly prescribed drugs in this category. 

Also known by the brand names Prinivil and Zestril, lisinopril is used to treat high blood pressure. It's also used in conjunction with other drugs and medications to combat heart failure. 

Another benefit to the drug is that it can be used to improve survival odds in heart attack survivors. Though it's not the only ACE inhibitor on the market, Lisinopril is long-lasting, requiring only a single tablet per day rather than multiple tablets. 

4. Gabapentin

Gabapentin is an anti-epileptic, a type of drug also known as an anti-convulsant. 

The Neurontin brand of this drug is used for the treatment of seizures in adults and children over the age of three. The Gralise and Horizant brands are intended for the treatment of neuropathic pain, rather than epilepsy. 

Gabapentin is not an opioid, but it has been linked to unintended uses and overdose deaths. 

5. Amlodipine

Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker (CCB), which acts to dilate blood vessels and lead to better blood flow. 

The drug's purpose is to treat angina (chest pain), and well as other symptoms and conditions of coronary artery disease (CAD). Amlodipine can also be used to treat hypertension and reduce the chances of a stroke or heart attack. 

Also known by the brand names of Norvasc and Katerzia, amlodipine is one of the most common medications for heart disease. 

6. Albuterol

Albuterol belongs to a class of drugs known as adrenergic bronchodilators.

That's a mouthful, but basically these drugs work to dilate the bronchi in the lungs, thereby treating and preventing bronchospasms. These types of drugs are principally for those suffering from asthma. 

Albuterol falls under many brand names, including Ventolin, ProAir HFA, Ventolin HFA, Proventil, and Accuneb. As a short-acting beta2-adrenoceptor agonist, albuterol is intended to control asthma symptoms on an as-needed basis. 

7. Acetaminophen/Hydrocodone

This drug combo combines two well-known pain relievers into one potent package. 

Hydrocodone belongs to a class of narcotic pain relievers, and is therefore a type of opiate. Acetaminophen is not an opiate and is less powerful in its pain relief. However, it is a very common OTC medication, known under its famous brand name of Tylenol. 

The drug combo comes under a variety of brand names, including Vicodin, Hycet, Lorcet, Zolvit, Xodol, Zamicet, Verdrocet, Norco, Lortab, and Maxidone. As that roster of names suggests, the drug combination is very popular for the relief of moderate to severe pain. 

8. Omeprazole

Omeprazole is better known under its brand name of Prilosec

It's a proton pump inhibitor (PPI), which acts to reduce the production of stomach acid. Omeprazole is used to treat certain stomach conditions, including gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), ulcers, and heartburn. 

Omeprazole is one of the most common prescription drugs for heartburn, and it also includes over-the-counter variants (Prilosec OTC) in addition to the regular prescription type. 

9. Amoxicillin

Amoxicillin is a penicillin antibiotic and is used to fight bacterial infections. 

Amoxicillin falls under many different brand names, including Amoxil, Trimox, and Moxatag. It is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for bacterial infections. 

It also has many uses, including for the treatment of tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, and a variety of ear, nose, and throat infections. It can also be combined with another antibiotic, clarithromycin, to fight stomach ulcers induced by infections of Helicobacter pylori

10. Losartan

Losartan, whose brand name is Cozaar, belongs to a class of drugs known as angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs). 

These drugs work to dilate blood vessels, improving the flow of blood, and reducing blood pressure. Losartan is commonly used for the treatment of high blood pressure, and to lower the risk of stroke and heart attack. 

Losartan is also used to impede long-term kidney damage in those who have type 2 diabetes in addition to hypertension. Losartan is among the most commonly used ARBs, and its generic versions are affordably priced. 

Are You Looking to Purchase Your Medications Online?

If you're looking to get your medications online, remember to do your due diligence. The most common prescription drugs are certainly available from Canadian pharmacies, but it's good to do your research and be careful about what you're ordering. 

Canadian drugs are usually identical to American ones, but you still want to make sure you're getting the right prescription for what you need. Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information and help in buying your prescriptions online. 

How to Get Prescription Drugs Without Seeing a Doctor

Author , posted on June 19, 2020

Category: Drug Information

how to get prescription drugs without a doctor

We all wish there were more than 24 hours in a day. With so much to do, it's hard to get a lot of things done. We have to make the most out of these hours by multi-tasking and organizing what is most important. Whether we don't have the time or don't want to waste our time, we can complete many of our daily tasks online. When you are sick, you should consult directly with a physician, but it's not necessary for every occasion. Read more to learn how to get prescription drugs without a doctor online.

Getting the medication you need can be as simple as the click of a button - refill or not.

How to Get Prescription Drugs Without a Doctor Online

A trip to the doctor is inconvenient when you have a minor condition or sickness. This is why over-the-counter drugs are used in general stores. Sometimes, store-bought drugs are not enough and you need a prescription.

It's actually impossible to get a prescription without a doctor. The good thing is that you do not necessarily have to make the trip. Thanks to telemedicine, you are able to access health services online through the computer or phone.

There are hundreds of experienced and specialized doctors who offer their services virtually. All you need to do is request an appointment and book a slot. You should expect to spend around 15-45 minutes with the physician.

There are times you will be requested to submit pictures for the doctor to see. This is often the case for those who suffer from skin conditions.

After evaluation, you're all set. You can use your online (or physical) prescription and get the medication you need the same way.  After your order is complete, all you need to do is wait for it in the mail.

How to Order Prescription Drugs Online

Learning how to order prescriptions online is easy. The only thing you need to do complete your order is having a valid prescription. This can be e-mailed, scanned, uploaded, or faxed. These methods offer quicker processing time and delivery time, but you can also mail it.

In the event you don't have a copy of the prescription given to you, your doctor can be reached out to in order to get it. This task does not have to be completed by you and can be taken care of. All that's needed is your physician's name and contact information.

Once the prescription is validated, you will receive a confirmation number and have access to search through the medication pool. If you have issues finding a drug you need, you should always seek assistance.

For added security, your medication will be checked to ensure you got the right one. Only then will the order be finalized and shipped. You will be able to track the package every step of the way until it reaches you.

Benefits of Ordering Medication Online

You should only purchase your medication from a reputable and trustworthy Canadian pharmacy. You can learn more about us to reap these five primary benefits we have to offer:

  1. Accessibility
  2. Financial Savings
  3. Routine Treatment Aid
  4. Client Support
  5. Convenience

You can have the best of both worlds with online medication. You get the drugs you need for general and specialized care with a doctor. Whether you need a drug for sexual health, dermatology, or chronic conditions, you are covered. There are millions of drugs available online you can get through your mobile device.

There are hidden overhead fees involved when you buy your prescription drugs at a physical location. Discount savings on these drugs are also hidden to make the most profit. When ordered online, you are given access to savings to get what you need at a fraction of the cost.

It can be annoying and frustrating to constantly refill medication you need it. Maybe you are on birth control or a thyroid medication that's renewed every so often. Refilling them online takes that renewal frustration away.

When you get a drug at a store or pharmacy, the support you receive is limited. While a pharmacist may be there to reply to inquiries, you will not receive the best support. Understanding medication is important, and there is a team of pharmacists available when needed.

You probably already learned just how convenient ordering prescription drugs online is. Reiterating this fact doesn't hurt. It is the main thing people look for, and it's probably what you are looking for.

Considerations to Know with Online Prescriptions

While online prescriptions are widely beneficial, there are a few limits you should understand. Knowing what you can't do is also important.

Not All Prescriptions Are Available Online

Online prescriptions are regulated by federal law. Laws are kept in place to monitor how much and what drugs are being released. This is especially the case for controlled substances.

There are times a patient must meet certain factors to be given a drug. Such a drug can only be given by doctors and pharmacists at a location.

Laws Vary by Location

What you do and do not have access to will depend on where you live. What one state allows, another may not, so it's vital you know the legal differences. You must also be aware of possible implications.

If you cannot find a drug online, it is best not to seek it if you truly cannot order it online. Getting prescriptions outside the law is illegal and will come with major repercussions.

Get Affordable Medication Anywhere

Online prescriptions are growing in popularity because of how simple and easy it is. Not only that, but you are also likely to save money ordering medication online rather than directly at a pharmacy.

Your time is as important as your money, and you should save both of them. Whether you are at home or taking care of business elsewhere, you can get what you need anywhere.

If you want to know more about how to get prescription drugs without a doctor, contact us. We can assist you with any questions you have, but feel free to check out our FAQ too.

You won't regret it, other than regretting not knowing you can save with prescriptions online in the first place.

Can Americans Buy Drugs From Canada?

Author , posted on June 12, 2020

Category: Drug Information

buy drugs from canada

America is the land of the free and one of the only countries that promote freedom of speech and equality. There is much to love about such a country.

But, America has its faults. 

One of the major problems in America is the amount of debt it's in. This includes the overinflated healthcare system. The price of living as an American is having to pay much for insurance and medication than anywhere else. The average US citizen spends over $1,000 on prescriptions annually. 

Americans can save thousands when they buy drugs from Canada. It's an excellent alternative for those who need drugs but cannot afford it. Maybe you don't want to be abused by the American system any longer. 

You can learn how to access drugs with your prescription in Canada after you finish reading this. 

Is Getting Prescription Drugs in Canada Legal? 

It seems as if America doesn't want its citizens to enjoy lower prices as they force ridiculous prices to us. You cannot legally buy prescription drugs anywhere, even our neighbor, Canada.

There are a few reasons why the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has decided against this. 

  • It is the FDA's responsibility to validate every drug that enters the US is authentic and safe. When prescription drugs fall outside this order, there is a gap in this. 
  • When a drug is made in Canada and has been FDA approved there, rules in Canada are followed. This means no recourse can be done in the US in the event there's a problem 
  • Certain drugs used for experimental purposes are likely to be inadequately tested. You will literally, be taking life in your own hands.
  • Certain drugs have been discontinued in the US, but may still be up for purchase in Canada. Because there is usually a major reason for it to be discontinued, it is best not to get it elsewhere. 

Although it is not legal, it is often overlooked for those who buy prescriptions in Canada for themselves. It's also easier for those who decide to use online shipments.

At the moment, the US is making plans to allow prescriptions from Canada. With this coming into effect, American citizens will be legally permitted to purchase prescription drugs through any method at Canadian pharmacies. 

Until this law is complete, you may get the prescriptions at your own discretion. 

The "Loophole" to Get Prescriptions for Personal Use in Canada

The FDA is extremely strict at enforcing rules in importing foreign drugs as many people attempt to resale it for profit. However, they are less strict about enforcing those rules to people who get prescription drugs in Canada for personal use.

So long as you do not buy dozens of batches at a time (no more than a 90-day supply), you will not spark any red flags. It is impossible to get assess to a surplus of drugs anyway. 

When you have a valid prescription, you are given single or small-dosage amounts by a doctor. If you did need a refill, a new prescription is required. 

Buy Drugs From Canada in the US

The first thing Americans may think of when considering buying their prescription drugs from Canada is if its even possible. It certainly is. 

As healthcare costs rise in the US, Canada offers better prices for brand name prescriptions and also because: 

  • There are certain prescription drugs offered in Canada, but not America
  • There are some drugs that require a prescription in America, but not Canada 

While you can save money getting your prescription from Canada, you should only order them from reputable providers. The only way you can order prescription medications online is with a valid prescription. 

Before a medication is given to you from Canada, a security check by the online pharmacy is performed. Licensed pharmacists will also ask if you have any allergy concerns and find potential drug interactions.

This check is taken for every order made from Canada to the US. It ensures safety for customers who decide to get the prescription online. 

Going Directly to Canada

If you don't mind doing the legwork or have a pre-planned trip to Canada, you can purchase it while there. The only difference is having to go through and pass the "claims" area during the importing process. 

US Customs and Border Protection are required to make sure illegal goods are seized before you can leave or enter. Be prepared to do the following when you travel: 

  • Have no more than a 3-month supply for personal use
  • Declare your prescription purchases because if customs finds it without a declaration, expect penalties.
  • If your item appears suspicious, it may be taken so be sure to keep drugs in its original container 

A trip to Canada would not be worth it if you can't take it home with you. You will not be stopped when you follow these rules. 

Finding Affordable Prescriptions as an American 

Most Americans say they go to work to pay their bills. There is little left to spend on themselves after they're paid. A single person can expect to pay $200-300 a month on health insurance. Even with an expensive insurance plan, you are expected to pay a good chunk on your prescription.

This complication doesn't only cause debt, but it can compromise one's health. Not being able to get a drug you need because it's too expensive is a situation that should never happen. 

You could save a lot of amount of money when you buy drugs from Canada instead. Put that money you would have spent on you and treat yourself. 

Contact us for your prediction needs and we can deliver it to you for a flat fee. Feel free to check out our positive reviews from customers, like you, who have used our service. 

Generic vs Brand Drugs: What Are the Pros and Cons?

Author , posted on June 8, 2020

Category: Drug Information

generic vs. brand

You are at the pharmacy window with a new prescription. Your doctor has explained the benefits of this medication, and you are hopeful that it will treat your condition. As you wait, your pharmacist appears and asks you a question. "Did you know this medication now comes in a generic form? Do you want the generic or the brand name?"

Decisions such as this one are fraught with a dizzying amount of information. When you are deciding between a generic vs. brand drug, you'll need to take into consideration the pros and cons: price, effectiveness, availability, reviews, and recommendations.

Read on to learn more about the difference between generic and brand medicines, and how to decide which one is right for you.

Generic vs. Brand Medications: Is There a Difference?

Generic medications contain the same active ingredients as brand name medications and they work the same way. They have the same risks and benefits and by law, generic drugs must be identical to brand names in the following categories:

  • Strength
  • Safety
  • Active Ingredients
  • Quality
  • Purity
  • How they work
  • How they are taken
  • How they should be used

While the active ingredients must be the same, there can be differences in the inactive ingredients. Every medication is made up of ingredients known to pharmacists as excipients.

These can be fillers, detergents, dyes, sugars, binders, and antioxidants.

These substances are not supposed to affect the consumer, but there are instances where they can. Lactose, for instance, is commonly used as a filler in medications. Someone who is allergic to it may not be able to tolerate a formulation that contains it.

Additionally, certain drugs classified as NTI (narrow therapeutic index) need to be carefully monitored when given in a generic form. These medications can be dangerous or ineffective if there is a difference in dose or blood concentration. It is always important to ask your doctor or pharmacist about whether a generic version of this type of medication is ok to use.

Sometimes the way a tablet is made can affect the way it is absorbed by the body. Some people report better results from a capsule, while others may respond better to a tablet. These casings can differ according to the manufacturer. A large-scale research study found that there was a 3.5% difference in absorption between generic and brand-name medications.

Generic Medications: The Pros and Cons

Generic medications have unique benefits that may make them more desirable than brand name drugs. Consider the following pros and cons when deciding which one is right for you.


Lower Individual Costs

Manufacturing drugs can be very expensive. Because a generic manufacturer does not have to make the drug from scratch, the cost to the consumer is lower.

Brand-name manufacturers have to conduct clinical trials, and the costs are passed on. Multiple companies make generics which creates competition, thus lowering the cost even further. On average, the cost of a generic drug is 80% to 85% lower than the brand-name drug.

Lower Industry Costs

A study from the Association of Accessible Medicines has shown that generic drugs accounted for $265 billion in healthcare savings in 2017. Generic drugs generate savings for state health care programs and reduce healthcare costs for consumers overall.

Easy to Find

It isn't hard to find the generic alternative of most drugs. There are over 12,000 generic equivalents to brand-names and they can easily be obtained at most pharmacies. It is not necessary to do research or hunt for them, and they provide the same benefits as their counterparts.

Bioequivalent and FDA Approved

Generic prescriptions must meet the same standards as brand-names. They must still pass FDA inspections, and create the same therapeutic response. When it comes to quality, active ingredients, safety, and how they are administered, they should be exactly the same. As you will see in the cons sections below, however, this is not always the case.



There have been instances where a generic drug has been contaminated or has not met quality standards. Some manufacturers have shown more concern over profit than safety, which has led to contamination, changes in formulation, and dangerous manufacturing practices.

Inactive Ingredients

The fillers and binders in medications vary according to the manufacturer. For some patients with sensitivities or allergies, a different formulation can have an effect. In some extended-release medicines, generics have been shown to break down faster. This can result in the body encountering a large dose of the medicine much more quickly, as opposed to contacting it over time.

Variability in Dosing

The FDA allows for the bioavailability of a generic drug to vary from a minimum of 80% to a maximum of 125% from the original brand formulation. Some studies have shown that these variances in dosing can affect how a patient responds to a medication. Certain medications for high blood pressure, thyroid conditions, and depression are sensitive to dosage fluctuations such as these.


Some medications don't have a generic version available. Certain medications, like Premarin, which treats osteoporosis and hot flashes don't come in a generic version because the active ingredients have not been defined. Medications that have been on the market for less than 20 years don't have a generic equivalent. If the doctor can prescribe a similar medication with a generic counterpart, however, they may do so.

Order the Medication That's Right For You

Now that you know some of the main differences between generic vs. brand medications, you can find the medication that is right for you. Consider what you are willing to pay, the availability of the medication, your doctor's recommendations, and what has worked for you in the past.

At PricePro Pharmacy, we have a wide range of both brand name and generic drugs for you to choose from at a fraction of the cost of what you will pay in the United States. We can deliver your prescription to your door with safe and secure ordering and shipping methods.

If you are new to our pharmacy and want to learn about how we work, and patient satisfaction, be sure to check out some of our reviews.

Brand Name vs Generic Drug Costs in the USA: A Price Comparison Guide

Author , posted on June 1, 2020

Category: Drug Information

brand name vs generic

A lot of changes occur in a country that grows exponentially each year. We see new businesses, ideas, and brands' surface. We then decide which service best serves us. A fine example is within the pharmaceutical industry. We may find ourselves at an eternal tug of war choosing between brand name or generic drugs.

What makes people decide on brand name vs generic and visa versa? Is one truly better than the other? Both offer the same results, so is the price difference really nothing more than who made it?

This comparison guide will inform you of everything you need to know about the two, including the reason behind its pricing.

Brand Name vs Generic Drugs

Determining whether to purchase a brand name drug or the generic version is up to the person. When you are looking to compare the two, you must first be able to determine which is which.

The primary way to figure this out isn't too hard; just use your eyes. There are strict trademark laws in place that state generic and brand name drugs must not look identical. Asides from the name, common differences you will see might be the:

  • Packaging
  • Flavorings used
  • Color
  • Shape
  • Inactive ingredients

Other than these factors, the two types of drugs share the same desired outcome. They use the same active ingredient needed to make the medication work.

Brand Name Drugs

Brand name drugs are a prized possession to some who believe it to be the right choice. Brand names are well-known and do not have to fight for marketing as much as generic brands.

It is true that brand name drugs are believed to work well, and with the right active ingredient(s), they do. There are also other reasons people decide to stick with the brand.

Some may not do well on the generic version. While this is a rare case, it can happen due to a few differences in inactive ingredients. Others may find they absorb it differently because of how the tablet is created. This can lead to negative side effects (minor or transient) that disappear when they use the brand name.

Other times, a generic choice is simply not an option. When there is no alternative, a consumer is left with no other choice but to use the brand. A common reason generics may not be made is because a manufacturer has no clue what is in the original.

If you need a drug and must use a narrow therapeutic index, the need for higher safety sparks many to use the brand name. Minor differences in improper dosage calculation can be fatal or cause major adverse reactions. Those who are prescribed a brand drug like this find it too risky to switch to a generic version.

Also, doctors may write "do not substitute" in a prescription. This must be honored.

Why Are Brand Name Drugs More Expensive?

It is no easy task to get the brand name title for a drug. The original developer must agree to a series of tests. These tests, often done as clinical trials, are needed to deem the drug safe and effective. Clinical trials cost big bucks, and these fees are often passed on to the consumer.

A sole manufacturer sells their brand name drugs. While this means they essentially get all the profit, producing the goods is still expensive. To offset the cost of production, the price is also raised.

Generic Drugs

When people hear the term "generic" there is often the negative connotation that it is of lesser quality. Many believe they can't compare to the original and consider them to be nothing more than a knock-off.

These false thoughts lead many to turn away from generic drugs. The prized factor on generic brands is that they are made to work the same as the branded version.

Contrary to common belief, these drugs offer the same results when you look at their strength and quality. Even the dosage instructions and route of administration are alike.

They are NOT less effective and must meet rigorous FDA requirements to go on the market. Proof is needed by the FDA to validate the drug offers the same benefits as the brand name.

Tests are completed to unveil how sturdy the package is and how long it can last before it expires. Even after approval, inspections are done often to maintain safety and check for any unwarranted side effects.

You can easily swap a brand name medication for the generic and get the same results. Quality is not altered unlike the case it is with generic foods.

Why Are Generic Drugs Cheaper?

Generic drugs must adhere to the same rules as brand names, but they are slightly more relaxed. Generic drugs are able to be sold by several companies unlike brand name drugs.

This outcome means a higher level of competition. This is bad news for the company, but good for the consumer. The various companies battle one another and attempt to market their generic product for a lower fee.

While testing is also required to meet safety rules, the type of testing done is different. The amount of time spent on testing is also different. This makes the conducting trial shorter and less expensive than brand name drugs.

These factors make it possible for generic drugs to be sold 70-85% less than the brand name. The savings generic drugs offer is incredible. For every 10 prescriptions dispensed, 9 are generic drugs.

Quality Results at a Fair Price With Generic Drugs

Comparing brand name vs generic drugs is something we all do. We decide between the two anytime we need to fill a prescription. We do the same when we venture to the store in search of headache, nausea, or pain relief.

There is much to love about generic drugs just as much as there is to love about the brand name. When you look at it objectively, generic brands offer comparable results to its counterpart. The differences in effectiveness are only slight. When it comes down to it and you want something that works at a good price, generic drugs are the answer.

Brand names may be your only choice if you do not want to compromise quality and do not mind paying the price.

So which one is right for you? This choice is ultimately up to you.

Whatever you choose, there is help you get the drugs you need at a fraction of the price. Rather than overpay for brand names or generic drugs, contact us, and we can help.

Does Hair Loss Medication Really Work? Everything You Need to Know

Author , posted on March 11, 2020

Category: Drug Information

You may be starting to realize that you’re never going to have thick, luscious locks again all over your head. You are starting to consider if there is any effective hair loss medication out there.

If your hair has started to thin, it likely will continue to get worse.

The good news is that there are things that you can do to stop or slow down hair loss. You may even be able to grow back some of the hair that has been lost.

If you’re interested in learning about hair loss medication, keep reading to learn more about how it works, if it’ll work for you, and where you can get it.

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Here Are The Differences Between The Different Types Of Antidepressants

Author , posted on January 24, 2020

Category: Drug Information

Depression is a crippling condition. It’s also one that can make it difficult to get through the simplest of tasks. But, you’re not alone.

In fact, over 16.2 million adults have been diagnosed with depression in the US alone. Fortunately, there’s help.

By working with your doctor, you can get the right diagnosis and find relief from your symptoms. After being diagnosed with depression, priority one is finding the best antidepressants. Here’s a guide to the different types of antidepressants.

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Where In The World Is Your Medication Made, and How Did It Come To Be?

Author , posted on January 23, 2020

Category: Drug Information

In 2016, American doctors dispensed 2.9 billion drugs to patients. Have you ever stopped to consider, just where are drugs made? I know that I’ve never considered this when taking a tablet.

Who makes medicine? How are drugs made? What is the origin of medicine?

When you buy medications, these questions might have occurred to you at one time or another. Yet who can you ask?

We’ve pulled together every question you’ve ever wanted to ask about medicine but were too afraid to ask. Ready to get the answers to those curious questions? Then read on!

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