7 Mental Relaxation Techniques That Will Change Your Routine

Category: Healthy Living


Posted on August 2, 2020

Vanessa is a health writer and blogging expert. Her specialities are medicine, health and wellness. She is proud to call Vancouver, BC her home where she enjoys the ocean and mountains with her dog Mr. ChowChow.

mental relaxation

If you struggle to sleep because of racing thoughts and an inability to relax, you’re far from alone. In fact, 30% of Canadians suffer from some form of sleep disorder!

Luckily, if this describes you, there are steps that you can take to de-stress and get some rest. Here, we’re going to give you some mental relaxation techniques that are sure to have you sleeping better in no time. Read on to help yourself become more healthy in both mind and body!

1. Stick to a Routine

Studies show that having a routine helps you to be more relaxed throughout the day. It also helps your body develop a rhythm where it knows that it’s time to sleep.

Make sure that you have a general routine that you stick to each day. Wake up and go to bed at a consistent time. This will train your brain that it’s time to sleep at certain hours.

You also should have a nighttime routine that you perform every night before bed. You’ll get used to falling asleep after the routine is over. Brush your teeth and take a warm shower. Get into bed, take your medication, and read a chapter of a book. You’ll be out before you know it.

2. Perform Deep Breathing Exercises

During the day when you’re feeling stressed, it can help to do deep breathing exercises. When you feel the anxiety start to creep up, take a little break from what you’re doing to be mindful of your breathing.

You can do deep breathing exercises no matter where you are. Get comfortable and breathe in through your nose until your stomach and chest fill with air. Exhale slowly. Repeat this until you’re feeling a bit calmer- it usually takes about 2-3 minutes.

You also can use one of the many breathing triangle gifs online and sync your breathing to its movement. These gifs are great for giving you visual input as well as a clear timeframe for inhaling and exhaling.

Deep breathing exercises increase mindfulness. They also increase the airflow to your brain and provide it with more oxygen. This ensures that your mind has space to relax and stop racing.

3. Mindfulness and Visualization

Speaking of mindfulness, it’s extremely important that you actively practice it.

Go sit in a place where you’re comfortable. Think about another location that feels calming to you. This can be a forest, a beach, a place from your childhood- really, anywhere that you feel at peace works.

Then, visualize that location vividly and take in as many sensory details as you can. For example, if you’re thinking of a Hawaiian beach, take in the smell of salt water, the sound of crashing waves, and the tactile feel of sand between your toes.

4. Enjoy a Massage

Professional massages can help to ease a lot of muscle tension, so you should book one if this is a possibility for you. However, if you can’t afford to go to a masseuse, there’s another option for you: a self-massage.

Here’s how it works:

  • Knead the muscles at the back of your neck and shoulders with a loose fist
  • Use your thumbs to maks small circles at the base of your skull
  • Massage your scalp slowly with your fingertips
  • Massage your face in tiny circles (with special attention to your jaw and temples)
  • Finish it all off with some breathing exercises

The whole process will take 3-5 minutes.

5. Take a Warm Bath

Taking a warm bath is the perfect way to relax your muscles, and relaxing your muscles is the perfect way to relax your mind. Let yourself sit in the tub soaking up the water and the heat radiating around you.

You may also want to get some natural bath oils for an amazing experience. This will give you more sensory input, both visually and scent-wise.

These bath oils make for an amazing aromatherapy method. They also work to keep your skin soft and your pores exfoliated. You can then be comfortable enough in your skin to focus on your mental health.

6. Yoga

Stretching exercises and yoga are great ways to be more mindful of yourself, both physically and spiritually. This means that you will practice moving your body and stretching out while stationary. Yoga also incorporates deep breathing, which expands your repertoire of exercises.

In addition to lowering stress and anxiety, you also will become stronger, more balanced, and more flexible. For the best possible yoga experience, take a class or hire an instructor. You want to make sure that you learn everything you need to know before practicing alone!

7. Take Your Medication

Though there are many natural remedies for stress and anxiety relief, they’re best done in conjunction with the use of medication. Talk to your doctor about getting a diagnosis for anxiety or a sleep disorder. Once that’s done, you can begin to discuss treatment plans.

Once you get a professional prescription, it’s easy to get your medication at discount prices. Canadian online pharmacies are easy to order from and completely safe to use. You’ll be feeling better in no time at all!

Beyond Mental Relaxation Techniques

Now that you know the best mental relaxation techniques to relieve stress and sleep better at night, it’s time to get started.

Contact us with any lingering questions that you have about staying healthy and getting affordable prescription meds that work for you. Our experts are happy to help you relieve your anxiety so that you can feel better ASAP.

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