23 Practical Tips for Psychological Wellness

Category: Healthy Living


Posted on June 20, 2021

Scott is passionate about health and wellness, and enjoys writing on various topic surrounding these fields. Scott lives in Seattle and spends his free time restoring old furniture and playing pickleball with his friends.

psychological wellness

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness 1 in 5 American adults struggle with mental illness. In a single year, 19% of adults will develop an anxiety disorder. 

Millions of Americans struggle with mental illnesses. This is why it's important to take care of your mental health and practice psychological wellness. 

This guide will offer some practical tips you can try if you need to improve your mental health. Keep reading to learn what they are. 

1. Treat Yourself Well

The best way to take care of your mental health is by treating yourself well. Giving yourself the love and compassion you give to others so freely can improve your mental health. 

Be kind and respectful when speaking about yourself. While it's important to push yourself to do better each day, avoid being too critical of yourself.

Know that doing your best is enough. This is easier said than done but try to say something nice about yourself each morning to start your day off right. 

2. Set Realistic Goals

Maintaining good mental health is also about setting realistic goals for yourself. It's not a bad thing to be ambitious but when you try to take on too much your mental health might suffer. 

When trying to do too much you might have difficulties staying productive and motivated. This will make you feel like a failure when you aren't able to meet the goals you've set.

If you feel like you're struggling with your mental health, set small and attainable goals for yourself. Even if your only goal for the day is cleaning your house, being able to get that accomplished will make you feel good and motivated to do more. 

3. Don't Watch the News Every Day 

Part of taking care of your psychological health is knowing when to take a step back. While staying informed on what's going on in the world is vital to being a responsible citizen, all of the unrest occurring can become overwhelming to watch or read about. 

When watching the news is becoming more upsetting than providing you with useful information, you should consider taking a break. Try watching the news every other day or only reading a few articles a week to see if this helps.

4. Keep a Journal 

Another way to practice psychological wellness is by keeping a journal. Start and end each day by journaling to help you track achievements and work through what's bringing you stress. 

Write some things you're grateful for each day. Make a list of some of the things you achieved too, however small. Writing down some of the mental struggles you're having can take some of the worries off your shoulders. 

5. Stay Active

Staying active can reduce your risk of disease, manage your weight, and strengthen your muscles. Exercising can also help you destress. 

Regular exercise helps improve your mood and concentration. It can also help manage some of the symptoms of anxiety and depression if these are some of the mental illnesses you struggle with. 

Remember that taking care of your body is also taking care of your mind. 

6. Eat Healthy Meals 

The importance of psychological wellness lies in how mental health is tied to physical health. Your mind and body are connected and one cannot function well without the other doing its job. 

Taking care of your body by eating nutritious meals is one important way to take care of your mental health. Eating foods loaded with vitamins and minerals will give you all the energy you need to get through the day. It can improve your mood too. 

Eating healthy foods will strengthen your immune system which will decrease your chance of getting sick. When your body isn't physically sick, your mental health will improve. Check out this list of foods that can strengthen your immune system. 

7. Get Enough Sleep 

Getting enough sleep is also part of taking care of your mental health. Getting inadequate sleep can lower your energy levels and put you in a bad mood. 

Lack of sleep can also increase stress which can lead to mental health struggles. Manage your stress by getting the right amount of sleep.

One way to do this is by creating a sleep schedule. This means you should be going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day, even on your days off. 

8. Practice Daily Stretching 

Stretching every day can help keep you flexible and maintain your range of motion. When you make a habit of stretching every day you'll prevent the pain that can come with muscle and joint deterioration. 

When your body isn't in pain you'll feel lighter and this can help improve your mood and mental health. Make sure to take the time to stretch before exercise but also when you're feeling the tension in certain areas of your body. 

If you work a desk job it's vital to take some stretch breaks. This can help you manage the daily stress of working by giving you some much-needed time to recharge yourself. 

9. Schedule a Trip

Other ways to improve psychological health include scheduling a trip. Life isn't just about waking up to work every day. You need time to get away from the monotony of the 9 to 5 life. 

Planning a trip can give you something new to look forward to which can increase happiness and improve your mental health. Plan a trip where you can get away from your usual surroundings. 

If you can't take a two-week vacation to another country you can plan a weekend trip to the beach with a few of your close friends. 

10. Don't Use Technology Before Bed

Using technology before bed can make it difficult to fall asleep. It can also increase your stress level if you're looking at news of the outside world. 

Texting and looking at social media will keep your mind active instead of calming it down before bed. Avoid this stressor before winding down for the night. 

11. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is vital to your physical health because it'll keep your joints healthy and prevent you from developing infections. Staying hydrated is also a good way to take care of your mental health. 

Drinking enough water each day will improve your mood and cognition. Drinking water and avoiding drinks with excessive sugar will keep you alert and prevent weight gain. A healthy body is one step toward a healthy mind. 

12. Understand Your Triggers 

Understanding your triggers and learning healthy ways to cope is taking time for psychological health. Pinpointing exactly what you're feeling, what situations make you feel that way, and some of the physical symptoms you experience can help address your issues. 

Do certain people or places make you feel anxious or sad? What kind of thoughts pass through your mind? Do you feel knots in your stomach or jitters in these situations?

Answering these questions can help you address your feelings and find coping methods that can eliminate them. 

13. Try Meditation

Practicing daily meditation is one way to cope with stress or other mental health struggles. There are many benefits to meditation including decreasing symptoms of anxiety and improving overall emotional health. 

When meditating try working on your breathing too. Focus on inhaling through your nose and expanding your belly. Breath out through your mouth slowly. 

Practicing mindfulness is a good way to quiet your mind and remain present. These practices can help you when you're struggling with your mental health. 

14. Start a New Hobby

Starting a new hobby gives your mind something fun to focus on. This can help you when struggling with mental health issues. 

A new hobby can bring you happiness because you're challenging yourself and staying busy. Creative hobbies are some of the best hobbies to choose because they can improve your mood and wellbeing. 

Try painting or playing an instrument if you've always wanted to try one of those activities. 

15. Stay Connected 

Practicing psychological wellness means surrounding yourself with people who bring you joy and challenge you too. The easiest way for your mental health to decline is by isolating yourself. As social creatures, humans need connection for their wellbeing. 

Make sure that you're staying connected to your friends and family when you feel like you're struggling. Spending some quality time with people who offer support and make you happy will help you feel better. 

Staying connected with people also means cutting out those who make you feel bad about yourself or cause you stress. 

16. Cut Out Bad Habits 

Cutting out bad habits will push you to live a healthier lifestyle where you take care of your physical and mental health. Smoking and excessive drinking aren't good for your body and they won't help you if you're struggling with a mental health condition either. 

Consider cutting out these bad habits and replacing them with things that will benefit your overall wellbeing. 

17. Keep a Routine

Another way to manage your mental health is by keeping a steady routine. Routine is vital for anyone struggling with an anxiety disorder. Knowing what to expect from your day can keep anxious feelings at bay. 

Having a routine in place can help you manage expectations and adjust when needed. When you have a routine you create boundaries for yourself to finish your work and rest when needed. 

18. Treat Yourself From Time to Time

While eating healthy meals and exercise is important for your physical and mental health it's ok to take a break when needed. Part of practicing psychological wellness is listening to yourself and doing what feels manageable for you. 

If you need an entire weekend in bed watching movies because you've been feeling overwhelmed, take that time for yourself. If you've been eating well but are craving some junk food, one day of bad food won't kill you. It can be better for your mental health, in the long run, to treat yourself occasionally. 

19. Reach Out for Support 

Maintaining good mental health means reaching out for support when you need it. You're not meant to carry everything on your own, asking for support is the right thing to do. 

Something as simple as a conversation with a friend can help you feel better. Consider reaching out to a mental health professional to learn more ways to cope with your struggles. 

20. Volunteer Your Time

Volunteering your time is a great way to improve your mental health. Giving your time to help someone else can make you feel good about yourself. 

Being of service to others helps you feel needed and like you're contributing something meaningful to the world. Volunteering for a cause that's close to your heart is another way to connect with like-minded people. 

Finding this type of community can change your mindset and make you feel happier. 

21. Disconnect Too 

While it's important to stay connected to others and spend time with people you love, disconnecting can be a form of practicing psychological wellness too. 

Having smartphones makes so many things more accessible but it can also be a source of stress in your life. Text alerts, emails, phone calls, can make staying present a hard thing to do. 

Try using the do not disturb setting on your phone when you feel like you need to disconnect. 

22. Spend Time With Pets

Spending time with pets reduces stress instantly. It also increases feelings of joy and happiness. If you don't have your own pet you can consider adopting one or spending some time with friends and their pets. 

23. Spend Time in Nature

There are many benefits to spending time in nature including improved mood and stress relief. Even a few minutes of sun on your skin each day can improve your mental health. 

Try These Psychological Wellness Tips Today

If you're looking for ways to practice psychological wellness, this guide has some great tips. Reaching out for support, getting enough sleep, and exercise are just a few ways you can improve your mental health.

Check out the PricePro Pharmacy Blog for more information on psychological wellness and more useful tips. 

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