What You Need to Know About Buying Canadian Pharmacy Meds As a Foreigner

Category: Medical FAQ


Posted on April 17, 2020

Vanessa is a health writer and blogging expert. Her specialities are medicine, health and wellness. She is proud to call Vancouver, BC her home where she enjoys the ocean and mountains with her dog Mr. ChowChow.

canadian pharmacy meds

Citizens of the United States are familiar with the struggles that come from expensive healthcare. Sometimes essential prescriptions are just unreasonably priced and you need to seek out other options such as Canadian pharmacy meds.

Many Americans have discovered that Canadian pharmacy meds are significantly cheaper, and have devised ways to get them across the border. If you need a medication to ease your pain, heal your illness, or help your mental health, you’ll probably do anything that you can to get it, right?

You might have thought of this yourself and wondered what the limitations are, or why you might want to consider buying your own medications from Canada.

There are several things to consider here.

If you were considering trying to get medication from Canadian pharmacies, or you were just curious about the process, continue reading to learn what you might need to know before placing your order.

What Are the Limitations?

Because of the Prescription Drug Marketing Act of 1987, your supplies will be limited to what the average person can use in three months.

There are a few regulations, but they’re easy to follow.

For one, if you happen to be doing it in person by crossing the border into Canada, it would be in your best interest to declare your new medications at customs when you return. This helps to avoid any unnecessary hold-ups at the border and it will help the whole process go smoothly.

You may not buy narcotics from Canadian pharmacies and bring them across the border. This holds true for all controlled medications. While these medications are expensive to obtain from American pharmacies, you still need to pay the extra price.

There are also limitations on amounts that are allowed. You are allowed to get a 3-month supply of your medication from Canada. Any more and you may be suspected of hoarding it with intent to sell or otherwise distribute, so 3 months is the perfect amount.

This is also true online. You’re allowed to order up to a 90-day supply of medications from online pharmacies. Remember, though, you still need your doctor’s prescription for these medications. You can’t just buy drugs from Canada without any kind of medical intervention.

What Are the Pros of Buying from Canadian Pharmacies?

You might be wondering why you should bother buying from Canada if you can just order from your neighborhood pharmacy or any pharmacy in America. There are several good reasons to take into consideration.


When you’re ordering from an online pharmacy, you’re not just working with what a brick and mortar pharmacy has to offer you. Sometimes there are long wait times at pharmacies because they need to wait for their suppliers.

With online Canadian pharmacies, you’re ordering from a pharmacy that could have suppliers all over the world ready to send their supplies to you if a medication is unavailable at one particular pharmacy.

Just be sure to check the labels and brand names of the medications when you’re ordering. Sometimes ingredients and names vary from country to country. While in many cases this could be a relative non-issue, there could be dire consequences with more serious medications, or if there are any allergies involved.

Be careful and read the labels of your medications to make sure that the brand name and the medication name line up with what you’re used to. If you’re concerned, ask a pharmacist for help.

Big Savings with Canadian Pharmacy Meds

This is another big deal when it comes to buying Canadian pharmacy meds. Overseas pharmacies can often offer savings that American pharmacies can’t.

If you’re uninsured or underinsured, your medications might be very expensive. The American healthcare system leaves a lot of people in serious medical debt. Canadian pharmacies often have medications for a much more affordable price. This can make a huge difference for someone who is suffering.

Drug prices are more regulated in Canada than they are in the United States. This is to avoid people having to pay ridiculous prices for medications that they need to live comfortable and healthy lives.

The only caveat to this is that you can’t use your American insurance on Canadian pharmacy websites. That said, the savings that you get from ordering internationally will very likely be more than worth it.


Ordering online from Canadian pharmacies is so easy and convenient. You can see the medications listed for you and check the labels right online. This allows you to do your research before making any purchases.

This is also great for people who don’t have good transportation, or for people with disabilities. With everything being done online, there’s no need to leave the home to visit a pharmacy in person. The medications are delivered straight to your mailbox.

Online pharmacies are a very convenient way to purchase medications.

Have You Ever Bought Canadian Pharmacy Meds?

Buying medications from across the border can be tempting, especially if you don’t have good health insurance and you’re in a desperate situation.

Always make sure to do your research before purchasing. Remember, these are drugs that can have serious effects on your body. You should be careful about what you’re ordering. That said, there are so many benefits to ordering medications online.

Always consult with a doctor before introducing new medications into your routine and ask a pharmacist if you’re confused about differences in names or ingredient formulations. Canadian pharmacy meds are largely the same as American ones, but you want to be sure that you get what you need.

For more information on medications you might need, or to check out our online pharmacy, visit our site.

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